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Help HTC desire Z bricked with no Hboot


Jun 16, 2012
Last night my HTC desire Z blacked out. I did a hard reset by removing battery.
It then brought up what I now know to be Hboot. I didn't know what was happening at the time so I chose fastboot, which blacked the phone.

Since then, all the phone does is vibrate 5 times when I turn it on and give a black screen with a green led light.

Pressing power and volume up or down does nothing.

When I connect to computer, it is looking for:

Qualcomm CDMA Technoligies MSM.

Anyone have any ideas?

P.S. I bought this phone second hand. I appears to be rooted, as Superuser is on it.
I've worked out what it is, and the phone is working.

I read somewhere else about possible volume button problems, which may be the five vibrate diagnostic warning.

I had dropped the phone in the morning, and on close inspection noticed the case above the volume button was depressed ever so slightly. Almost unseen to the eye. I separated the casing, and popped it all back into place. Everything works!
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