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HTC EVO V Initial Impressions/Thoughts, Coming from Triumph

Hey All. I've been lurking these parts for a while trying to decide if this phone was for me, and I finally went ahead and picked one up. I've had the phone for 2 days now and i want to share how I feel about it so far, as well as talking about some areas that are important to me.

Coming from the Triumph, the Evo is a MAJOR upgrade in all aspects of the device. It is much faster and smoother to navigate around the phone, and the dual-core processor is very nice compared to the Triumph single-core processor. Finally, it feels good not having to deal with a phone that got very hot while performing simple tasks. Also, the USB port actually works, unlike the Triumph which had a very very weak connection when it was plugged in. The display is much nicer and much more crisp. I also like the feel of the glass better; It just feels smoother and less jerky IMO. Additionally, The signal is significantly stronger than the Triumph, although I have experienced the fluctuating bars issue that others have. It hasn't bothered me yet though, as I've always managed to keep a signal even if it was weak for a few seconds.

Random Reboots
I have not experienced any random rebooting issues, but my brother who also just bought the Evo V did have problems with his. He exchanged his phone at Best Buy and now has a new one. Keeping my fingers crossed that I won't experience the issues he had.

Battery Life
The only measurement of battery life I have is in comparison to the Triumph, which was awful. The Evo is very power efficient when it is asleep, but the screen is a huge battery hog when it is on. In 1 day, with some texting, web browsing, and a lot of Twitter, my Evo came came out with about 20% battery left, while my Triumph would've most likely been dead. I am also using a lot of widgets that consume data. I did not use data consuming widgets with my Triumph in an effort to conserve battery life.

The Evo's camera is good, but it is certainly no iPhone quality shooter. Pictures in natural light come out pretty darn good, but low-light photos have a very grainy look to them. The 3D camera is kinda neat, but I became bored with it after a few pictures. It really is very gimmicky like most people have already said. In comparison to the Triumph, the camera is a significant upgrade that should be suitable for most users. In my opinion it is what a cell phone camera should be like(Thank god I don't have to deal with the Triumph terrible green tinted camera anymore). Shutter speed isn't the fastest, but it has suited my needs. Sample Pictures at bottom of post, 3rd party app "AfterFocus" used in one picture of my dog and the "depth of field" camera effect was used in the Dr. Pepper picture

3G/4G Coverage
3G coverage with Virgin Mobile is not the greatest, but with it's budget plans it is to be expected. Speeds are good enough for what I use my phone for(mostly Twitter, Email, light web browsing). As mentioned above, the signal is stronger than the Triumph.

Sprint's 4G Wimax coverage is sketchy at best. In Southwestern Pennsylvania, I have found good 4G coverage in downtown Pittsburgh and some areas outside. My home has no 4G coverage, and I do not get 4G inside most buildings. 4G was not my primary focus when I was contemplating buying the Evo, so anywhere I get it is a plus for me. You do not have to worry about the phone searching for a 4G signal constantly due to the 4G toggle switch in the notification bar.

Sense 3.6
The Evo comes loaded with ICS and Sense 3.6 over top of it. I actually like the look of Sense 3.6, although I probably would not want anything heavier such as Sense 3.5. I've enjoyed the HTC widgets and ICS is a huge plus, of course. The Sense animations are very detailed and colorful, but that just might be my first time novelty of an HTC device. The Sense lock screen is probably my favorite of any android lock screen, including stock ICS.

Overall, I love the Evo V. It is a huge improvement from the craptastic Triumph, and at a $35 per month price, it can't be beat. If you are looking to move up from any of th current VM phones, I highly recommend you pick up the Evo. In my opinion, it is the first Virgin Mobile device that offers a true Android experience. I might update this later with more thoughts. Feel free to ask if you have any questions for me. I would love some feedback and any other thoughts on the Evo.


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Batt life: just the opposite for me. I could go 2d on the MT with stock batt and similar conditions, yet the Evo was on track for daily charging and likely even multi daily charging on it's stock batt so I bought an Anker 3500mah batt and now go several days. (Need to try the 1900mah as I also bought a bunch of stock accessories that the large batt makes incompatible.)

O.W. Yeah. The Evo is just better in every way than the MT, just like that was better in almost every way to the OV(excepting slowish GPS pickup, the Evo seems even faster than the OV @ that...).

3D: A gimmick. Makes me feel weird looking at even the 3D stills that they ship as demos.

Sense: not so bad. I'm not sure why all the hate at UI extensions that people put on as I have a Samsung GT 7+ and now the Evo w/Sense v. my other mostly stock Android and quite frankly I really don't see any slowdowns or irritations other than it's NOT *gasp* STOCK... i.e. I really don't see alot of extra RAM/etc. usage over stock in either(forgot what samsung calls their mod as I only have one samsung).

The custom UIs are WAY WAY WAY bettar than the hackedup china POS that I also have, running old kernels and kinda, sorta work. e.g. JXD s6110

Sprint's craptastic network:

Me, even though I like the Evo, I detest Sprint's halfassed network and plan on buying a nexus as soon as they release a new one and moving to the $50 T-Mo plan... they're like 300x the data rate of Sprint in my city. (no 4g at all here now, apparently sprint bailed on their clearwire contract which I didn't notice until that article as I had just checked a few days before the publish date and they still listed 4g here, and their 3g is basically 56k dialup, i.e. mostly useless.)
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@cutterjohn my brother had his 1st evo replaced due to random rebooting and he said his 2nd evo's battery is much better than the 1st. Might be something there...

I will also completely agree with you on the fact that Sprint has a very bad network, but so far it has worked for my daily needs, which don't require blazing speeds.
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I love the sound output. It's so much better than the triumph. It's loud and plays bass very smoothly without drowning out the higher frequencies. It also creates earthquakes in my car :p.

I love how sensitive the touch screen is. I've got a thick screen protector on it and the screen manages to stay sensitive to my touch. Unlike on the Triumph, spotty touch sensitivity and the screen in general was a hand-oil collector, making your finger not "glide" as easily.
My bars (though they fluctuate) seems to be full the majority of the time, but I've also noticed a decrease in my 3G speeds.I also can't seem to download more than one app at a time from the Play Store. I thought it was just my Triumph, but it does it on the Evo too.
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The Triumph was the first smart phone I ever had and when I first got it I was really happy just to have one. As time went on, I had so many technical issues with it. I was probably on my 4th one or so. Horrible light leaks from the menu buttons, sleepy time GPS, horrendous battery life even in sleep mode and a truly janky micro USB port just made the unit a piece of total garbage. The build quality on that thing really made me want to never buy another Motorola device ever again.

This new EVO V makes me feel like I have a real android. It
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Hey All. I've been lurking these parts for a while trying to decide if this phone was for me, and I finally went ahead and picked one up. I've had the phone for 2 days now and i want to share how I feel about it so far, as well as talking about some areas that are important to me.

Coming from the Triumph, the Evo is a MAJOR upgrade in all aspects of the device. It is much faster and smoother to navigate around the phone, and the dual-core processor is very nice compared to the Triumph single-core processor. Finally, it feels good not having to deal with a phone that got very hot while performing simple tasks. Also, the USB port actually works, unlike the Triumph which had a very very weak connection when it was plugged in. The display is much nicer and much more crisp. I also like the feel of the glass better; It just feels smoother and less jerky IMO. Additionally, The signal is significantly stronger than the Triumph, although I have experienced the fluctuating bars issue that others have. It hasn't bothered me yet though, as I've always managed to keep a signal even if it was weak for a few seconds.

Random Reboots
I have not experienced any random rebooting issues, but my brother who also just bought the Evo V did have problems with his. He exchanged his phone at Best Buy and now has a new one. Keeping my fingers crossed that I won't experience the issues he had.

Battery Life
The only measurement of battery life I have is in comparison to the Triumph, which was awful. The Evo is very power efficient when it is asleep, but the screen is a huge battery hog when it is on. In 1 day, with some texting, web browsing, and a lot of Twitter, my Evo came came out with about 20% battery left, while my Triumph would've most likely been dead. I am also using a lot of widgets that consume data. I did not use data consuming widgets with my Triumph in an effort to conserve battery life.

The Evo's camera is good, but it is certainly no iPhone quality shooter. Pictures in natural light come out pretty darn good, but low-light photos have a very grainy look to them. The 3D camera is kinda neat, but I became bored with it after a few pictures. It really is very gimmicky like most people have already said. In comparison to the Triumph, the camera is a significant upgrade that should be suitable for most users. In my opinion it is what a cell phone camera should be like(Thank god I don't have to deal with the Triumph terrible green tinted camera anymore). Shutter speed isn't the fastest, but it has suited my needs. Sample Pictures at bottom of post, 3rd party app "AfterFocus" used in one picture of my dog and the "depth of field" camera effect was used in the Dr. Pepper picture

3G/4G Coverage
3G coverage with Virgin Mobile is not the greatest, but with it's budget plans it is to be expected. Speeds are good enough for what I use my phone for(mostly Twitter, Email, light web browsing). As mentioned above, the signal is stronger than the Triumph.

Sprint's 4G Wimax coverage is sketchy at best. In Southwestern Pennsylvania, I have found good 4G coverage in downtown Pittsburgh and some areas outside. My home has no 4G coverage, and I do not get 4G inside most buildings. 4G was not my primary focus when I was contemplating buying the Evo, so anywhere I get it is a plus for me. You do not have to worry about the phone searching for a 4G signal constantly due to the 4G toggle switch in the notification bar.

Sense 3.6
The Evo comes loaded with ICS and Sense 3.6 over top of it. I actually like the look of Sense 3.6, although I probably would not want anything heavier such as Sense 3.5. I've enjoyed the HTC widgets and ICS is a huge plus, of course. The Sense animations are very detailed and colorful, but that just might be my first time novelty of an HTC device. The Sense lock screen is probably my favorite of any android lock screen, including stock ICS.

Overall, I love the Evo V. It is a huge improvement from the craptastic Triumph, and at a $35 per month price, it can't be beat. If you are looking to move up from any of th current VM phones, I highly recommend you pick up the Evo. In my opinion, it is the first Virgin Mobile device that offers a true Android experience. I might update this later with more thoughts. Feel free to ask if you have any questions for me. I would love some feedback and any other thoughts on the Evo.

I upgraded from the ZTE Warp. I could rewrite this post and substitute Warp for Triumph and you would have my exact thoughts on coming form the Warp.
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I've had mine now since last Friday. Although it is a 2nd phone for me, it is surely a much better one than that god-awful Warp I had awhile back.
I have to agree with the ones stating about the 3D pictures, as at best, it is just a gimmick (though one I like to flaunt to people around me). The battery life is not the greatest, but it gets me through the day doing what I want to do.
I'm a big picture taker, and even though this camera doesn't compare to my Galaxy Note, editing them makes them good enough.
As for signal strength, I'm also in an area that time & Sprint forgot. Outside is acceptable, though not great, and the wavering bars is of no suprise. 4G is no where near where I live, nor expected anytime soon, but 3G seems to get the job done for my needs.
Overall, I have to give this EVO V a good two thumbs up. For the price of it and the monthly charge, solid feel of it and the way it has operated so far, I would recommend it.
But as with anything............Time will tell.
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I've had mine for three days now and also came from a Triumph. I am completely satisfied with my EVO 3d. No reboots, decent battery - when you consider it's a smartphone. I guess my expectations on battery life for a phone with a 4"> screen, WiFi, 3g/4g are a bit more realistic. I keep. Mine charging at home and carry an extra charger in the car.
Do you know what else I love? Actually being able to use the GPS! Finally.
I use my phone every day for work. I use it to take pictures (2d), GPS for directions to different residential properties, and email for work-related topics.
I've owned the Optimus V, Moto Triumph and this phone. This phone is hands-down superior in every way.
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I love how sensitive the touch screen is. I've got a thick screen protector on it and the screen manages to stay sensitive to my touch. Unlike on the Triumph, spotty touch sensitivity and the screen in general was a hand-oil collector, making your finger not "glide" as easily.
My bars (though they fluctuate) seems to be full the majority of the time, but I've also noticed a decrease in my 3G speeds.I also can't seem to download more than one app at a time from the Play Store. I thought it was just my Triumph, but it does it on the Evo too.

You know it's funny that you mention this, but sometimes (I don't use a screen protector) I feel that even a closely-hovering finger gets detected as a touch on this specific phone's touch layer. That was probably done on purpose so that the phone would be extra responsive even with a thicker screen protector in place.
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