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HTC one m8 high performance mode

A lot of you that still use those beast from 2014 know its still a contender with other android devices such as the s6 and n6. This device can hold its own right out of the box.

But, there are still people that want even more. No matter the cost. HTC built in a high performance mode in developer options.

In order to find Dev options you have to tap on build 6 times. It really does make a difference in speed! But at the cost of chomping through your battery at almost 30% faster.

Did you have to set it up that way? I just looked and its not in there. Only place I have access is Dev options. Nice too know though!!
I'm using custom software, so my depiction isn't fair to you. But for genuine OSes, Dev Options is the only place.

Performance & Dev Options are different menus in CyanogenMod. But you still need to do the 7 tap handshake to unlock it.
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