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HTC One X+ STK App Crash


Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a crash, maybe unresponsive.

Here is the thing:

I use Safaricom MSP (Kenya) and mobile money is a big deal here. So naturally safaricom have a sim app for the service. Their sims come with 2 main menus:

Safaricom+ - for usual stuff - like checking balance, 411, airtime purchase, etc
M-PESA - for mobile money transfer.

Supposing I have just restarted my phone, if I click on the stk app the first time, I can access the 2 main menus on the sim and drill down to the submenus; basically carry out the transaction to the end.

The problem comes if I want to carry out another transaction from either of the 2 menus (Safaricom+ or M-PESA)

When I click on the Stk app, it opens normally and displays the 2 main menus.
That is as far as it goes. If I click on any of the menus, nothing happens. The radial process indicator just turns for like 3 cycles but the app does not open the submenus.

The workaround is to restart the phone (works 100%) of the time or to turn the airplane mode off, then on (works some, not all, of the time).

I also need to point out that I have tested my sim card on other phones and ruled out a sim issue. My friends' sims behave the same way on my phone, so it's definitely an issue with my phone.

This is a section logcat when the app is working ok (after restart or flight mode):

D/CAT ( 870): StkAppService: RES_ID_MENU_SELECTION
D/CAT ( 870): CommandParamsFactory: process SelectItem
D/CAT ( 870): CatService: MSG_ID_PROACTIVE_COMMAND ResultCode = OK
D/CAT ( 870): CatService: SELECT_ITEM
I/Intent ( 520): @test_code: getHtcIntentFlag: 0 obj: 1104698704
I/ActivityManager( 520): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.stk/.StkMenuActivity (has extras)} from pid 870
D/CAT ( 870): StkMenuActivity: onPause
D/CAT ( 870): StkMenuActivity: onResume
D/CAT ( 870): StkMenuActivity: onCreateOptionsMenu
D/CAT ( 870): StkAppService: RES_ID_MENU_SELECTION
D/CAT ( 870): CommandParamsFactory: process SelectItem
D/CAT ( 870): CatService: MSG_ID_PROACTIVE_COMMAND ResultCode = OK
D/CAT ( 870): CatService: SELECT_ITEM
D/CAT ( 870): StkMenuActivity: onPause
D/CAT ( 870): StkMenuActivity: onResume
D/CAT ( 870): StkMenuActivity: onCreateOptionsMenu
D/CAT ( 870): StkAppService: RES_ID_MENU_SELECTION
D/PowerManagerService( 520): acquireWakeLock(41d40738): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK , tag=RILJ, flags=0x1, pid=870, uid=1001
D/PowerManagerService( 520): releaseWakeLock(41d40738): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK , tag=RILJ, flags=0x1
D/CAT ( 870): CommandParamsFactory: process GetInput
D/CAT ( 870): CatService: MSG_ID_PROACTIVE_COMMAND ResultCode = OK
D/CAT ( 870): CatService: GET_INPUT


This is the logcat when the app stops working:

D/CAT ( 870): StkAppService: RES_ID_MENU_SELECTION

That's as far as it goes
The app usually doesnt have any cache to clear. I have tried the Force stop option though with no success.

I haven't done a factory reset, and probably wont do it. It's a bit too drastic a reaction, don't you think?
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