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i am angry with apple...i-os5 now copying android 4.0 features

To the OP. The notification center is a blantant ripoff. The rest of the stuff you mention, is a bit of a stretch.

That said, you do realize that you have to thank Apple for the current design of the phone in your pocket and the base design of the OS and marketplace app store? Do you despise Android for 'copying' the look of iOS or all the phone manufacturers for moving to the candybar design and capacitve screen, with no physical keyboard? Do you hate Bill Gates and Windows for stealing Apple's GUI? Do you hate every personal computer ever made because Apple invented the first one and therefore everyone just copied them? Do you think pc's shouldn't have usb or thunderbolt or a mouse? You do now Apple made these commonplace on every pc?

In the end, it's a phone with an OS. It doesnt define you or your life! Why do you care if Apple claims this or that? People will believe what they want if they choose to be ignorant of the facts. This is why propoganda works. When you post something like you did, it appears like somehow Apple has slighted you personally and now you are bitter and petty. I just don't understand posts like this. I use several OS's and could care less who copied who or who is suing who. I enjoy what is out there for me to use.

FYI, when they discuss twitter integration, they are referring to it being baked in to the OS now. Not sure any other phne has that, not that I would call that a selling point anyway!
An iOS5 has been out for a while. There has already been 2 updates to it. You just now say these ads?
To the OP. The notification center is a blantant ripoff. The rest of the stuff you mention, is a bit of a stretch.

That said, you do realize that you have to thank Apple for the current design of the phone in your pocket and the base design of the OS and marketplace app store?
there was candy bar design's LONG before apple began making phones i was also able to go online and views apps/games with a nokia phone back in 2006

Do you despise Android for 'copying' the look of iOS or all the phone manufacturers for moving to the candybar design and capacitve screen, with no physical keyboard?

also the same many candybar design's and capacitive screens were around since 1982 (E.A. Johnson described his work on capacitive touch screens in a short article published in 1965 and then more fully—along with photographs and diagrams—in an article published in 1967. A description of the applicability of the touch technology for air traffic control was described in an article published in 1968. Engineer Bent Stumpe of CERN developed a transparent touch screen in the early 1970s and it was manufactured by CERN and put to use in 1973. A capacitive touch screen was developed by American inventor G Samuel Hurst and the first version produced in 1982.

also Android Inc. was founded in 2003 by Andy Rubin and a few other guys known for their work in the mobile industry. It wasn’t until 2005 that Google acquired them. Based on this, you can say that development on Android as an operating system began as early as 2003. Now, given Apple’s closed nature, there isn’t much information on when development of iOS began. However, using Android as a benchmark, I think it’s safe to say that iOS development began around 2003 as well. So, while iOS was released first, I think it’s safe to say that both were “made” at the same time so how could android have copied the look from ios? on that stance, im talking the action after that. as in apple making a phone then claiming they created pretty much anything to do with phones. and another note im sure nokia had a touchscreen phone years before apple.

Do you hate Bill Gates and Windows for stealing Apple's GUI?
i cant argue with that

Do you hate every personal computer ever made because Apple invented the first one and therefore everyone just copied them?

actually the first computer was created In 1939, John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry developed the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) at Iowa State University, which was regarded as the first electronic digital computer. The ABC was built by hand and the design used over 300 Vacuum Tubes and had capacitors fixed in a mechanically rotating drum for memory

Do you think pc's shouldn't have usb or thunderbolt or a mouse? You do now Apple made these commonplace on every pc?

ok except the mouse that was a concept from xerox, wasn't thunderbolt from intel?

In the end, it's a phone with an OS. It doesnt define you or your life! Why do you care if Apple claims this or that? People will believe what they want if they choose to be ignorant of the facts. This is why propoganda works. When you post something like you did, it appears like somehow Apple has slighted you personally and now you are bitter and petty. I just don't understand posts like this. I use several OS's and could care less who copied who or who is suing who. I enjoy what is out there for me to use.

yeah dude you can say im petty and i say you have no integrity and i seem to have a penchant for originality

FYI, when they discuss twitter integration, they are referring to it being baked in to the OS now. Not sure any other phne has that, not that I would call that a selling point anyway!
An iOS5 has been out for a while. There has already been 2 updates to it. You just now say these ads?

i think you thinking of the term "pre-installed" you know if you install twitter and wanna upload and do it straight from the gallery thats integration,. its goin one that whole "our users are dumb so we do it for them" attitude from apple.
i have to be honest i dont use twitter , i use facebook they had status updates long before also :D
cheers :D
I am all for copying stuff. To avoid patent violations, most of the time that requires companies to get creative with implementation, which can often yield improvements to the feature as a result. Just don't pass it off as an original invention. That's annoying.

Agreed. I think it's great for all of us if we can all get great phones (whether Android or Apple, to each their own) with awesome features on them. The only thing I have to add to that - I wish some companies wouldn't patent features other companies came up with to stop their competition from using them (reference the impending release of the HTC EVO 4G LTE and getting held up at customs)

There is a difference between first pc and first computer. Most will accept that woz made the first comter a person could take home, plug into a tv and work.

Having similar designs to the iphone being 'round' prior to 2007, doesn't bode well for those phones, since they were popular. Apple popularized the candybar design, with capacitive multi-toch screen, onboard mp3 player, video layer and app store. Funny how after the iphone, all manufacturers built their phones along the same cncept.

It's funny how yotalk about Andy Rubin and the acquisituion of Android. You do know what Andy Rubin did prior to this, right? why do you thing Android OS looks very similar to iOS?

Enough of the Apple flag waving. I respect the company and what they havedone for tech. I choose not to give them money for my phones amd now tablets.
once again pioneers of technology my backside

Pirates of Silicon Valley

To be completely objective here, Apple was good for the industry with all of their "inventions". Competition is what pushes innovation and Apple is extremely good at that. They do steal things from other companies and always have, however they improve upon them. I don't think anyone here could argue the quality of products Apple puts out is nothing less than top notch. The software they design is very simplistic, but also very aestetically appealing. That's hard to do. They are the ones who made smartphones so intuitive to use that a toddler can pick one up and easily play games on it. (there's some good and bad to that...like toddlers being able to buy tons of apps before parents realize it, but that's neither here nor there)

Without Apple, there are a lot of products that would be either YEARS behind where we are today. Take Windows for example. Without the Mac OS, I doubt Windows would be as user friendly as it is today. We might be stuck back in Window 3.1/DOS times. Smartphones probably wouldn't be available to the masses like they are today without the iPhone. Tablets may not have ever gained any traction without the iPad.

That being said, Apple needs to cool it with the patent infringement lawsuits. They've made billions by stealing and improving upon other people's ideas and now they want to sue some of the very people they ripped ideas from over something as generic as candybar style phones? Give me a break.
There is a difference between first pc and first computer. Most will accept that woz made the first comter a person could take home, plug into a tv and work.

Having similar designs to the iphone being 'round' prior to 2007, doesn't bode well for those phones, since they were popular. Apple popularized the candybar design, with capacitive multi-toch screen, onboard mp3 player, video layer and app store. Funny how after the iphone, all manufacturers built their phones along the same cncept.

It's funny how yotalk about Andy Rubin and the acquisituion of Android. You do know what Andy Rubin did prior to this, right? why do you thing Android OS looks very similar to iOS?

Enough of the Apple flag waving. I respect the company and what they havedone for tech. I choose not to give them money for my phones amd now tablets.

dude, apple did NOT popularize the candy bar design,. period they produced 1 device....only one! that was candy bar design then marketed the hell out of it, "with false claims of creation"
then claim patent of it.... like the other guys says gimme a break, cmon seriously how can apple have face to try sueing samsung and htc over slide-to-unlock and then they make a near carbon copy of the notification drop-down from android on i-os'5 doesn't that seem in the perfect description of hypocrisy?

android was being compiled and written while i-os was doin the same so i doubt they could have copied anything from each other at "that" point, the basis of my argument is where apple continued from that point....

the way i see it is apple knew they wernt "that" great so like a fat-kid who got showed up by the new kid in town with a better bike....they went little-brat crazy and tried to destroy that bike (the other leading brands)

apple is like a fat spoilt brat who cant get his own way.

edit; also just wanna say i provide firmware updating, software advice to about 30 people a day,.. in outside life ,on many different mobile devices,.....but i am strictly anti-apple i wont touch an i-product screw them and theyre out of date system.
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