Android Enthusiast
To the OP. The notification center is a blantant ripoff. The rest of the stuff you mention, is a bit of a stretch.
That said, you do realize that you have to thank Apple for the current design of the phone in your pocket and the base design of the OS and marketplace app store? Do you despise Android for 'copying' the look of iOS or all the phone manufacturers for moving to the candybar design and capacitve screen, with no physical keyboard? Do you hate Bill Gates and Windows for stealing Apple's GUI? Do you hate every personal computer ever made because Apple invented the first one and therefore everyone just copied them? Do you think pc's shouldn't have usb or thunderbolt or a mouse? You do now Apple made these commonplace on every pc?
In the end, it's a phone with an OS. It doesnt define you or your life! Why do you care if Apple claims this or that? People will believe what they want if they choose to be ignorant of the facts. This is why propoganda works. When you post something like you did, it appears like somehow Apple has slighted you personally and now you are bitter and petty. I just don't understand posts like this. I use several OS's and could care less who copied who or who is suing who. I enjoy what is out there for me to use.
FYI, when they discuss twitter integration, they are referring to it being baked in to the OS now. Not sure any other phne has that, not that I would call that a selling point anyway!
An iOS5 has been out for a while. There has already been 2 updates to it. You just now say these ads?
That said, you do realize that you have to thank Apple for the current design of the phone in your pocket and the base design of the OS and marketplace app store? Do you despise Android for 'copying' the look of iOS or all the phone manufacturers for moving to the candybar design and capacitve screen, with no physical keyboard? Do you hate Bill Gates and Windows for stealing Apple's GUI? Do you hate every personal computer ever made because Apple invented the first one and therefore everyone just copied them? Do you think pc's shouldn't have usb or thunderbolt or a mouse? You do now Apple made these commonplace on every pc?
In the end, it's a phone with an OS. It doesnt define you or your life! Why do you care if Apple claims this or that? People will believe what they want if they choose to be ignorant of the facts. This is why propoganda works. When you post something like you did, it appears like somehow Apple has slighted you personally and now you are bitter and petty. I just don't understand posts like this. I use several OS's and could care less who copied who or who is suing who. I enjoy what is out there for me to use.
FYI, when they discuss twitter integration, they are referring to it being baked in to the OS now. Not sure any other phne has that, not that I would call that a selling point anyway!
An iOS5 has been out for a while. There has already been 2 updates to it. You just now say these ads?