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I am pulling my hair out!!!!!!!!


Oct 22, 2017
So I have a Motorola Turbo 2. I am able to connect to my router at my house however, when I go to my mothers house my phone will not connect to her router. I have tried everything under the sun to remedy this. My phone is set to DHCP but on my moms router when I go into my phones wifi settings it says ip unavailable. I have reset the router to factory settings, I have tried all the security types WEP etc.. I have released and renewed, I have cleared all remembered networks on my phone, renamed the network, tried new passwords, reset modem router and phone in that order and tried all the tricks I could find on google and youtube and NOTHING WORKS. When I turn my phone off and it boots back up it will actually connect to the router but about 45 seconds later it goes wifi-disconnected. Then I cruise over to my house and bam connects right up to my router instantly. My mother and my brother and his wife all have Iphones and they have no problem connecting to my moms router. There has to be something I am overlooking. I consider myself to be a pretty tech savvy guy but man I am stumped on this one.

Any suggestions? If so please post here or if you want send me a personal message at
<mod removed email address>


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Since every router has it's own settings... provide which router make/model you are trying to connect too... example... I've seen iPhone's not connect to older routers that had a "width" setting to Auto instead of 20Mbs, but not all routers have that option and typically my Android phones didn't have a problem with that setting... so it's just to show why knowing the make/model is also so important...
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Since every router has it's own settings... provide which router make/model you are trying to connect too... example... I've seen iPhone's not connect to older routers that had a "width" setting to Auto instead of 20Mbs, but not all routers have that option and typically my Android phones didn't have a problem with that setting... so it's just to show why knowing the make/model is also so important...
I will have that info very soon. Thank you!
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That's a pretty old router. Only wireless-G and fast Ethernet. I would first make sure the the thing is operating the latest firmware from Netgear.

https://www.netgear.com/support/product/WGR614v7.aspx#Firmware Version 2.0.30 (North America only)
I know it is but it connects fine with my moms iphone just fine. I have tried to check for updates in the routers settings but it keeps timing out. It's like trying to go out and find a newer firmware but finally comes back and says something like unable to connect to Netgear please try again later or something to that effect. Weird thing is in the past I have been able to connect to it. I am wondering if the latest update on my phone as something to do with it. Like it's apples and oranges now. But it baffles me that my moms brand new iphone 8 connects perfectly...
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I have tried to check for updates in the routers settings but it keeps timing out. It's like trying to go out and find a newer firmware but finally comes back and says something like unable to connect to Netgear please try again later or something to that effect.

My guess is that Netgear changed the location of the firmware updates and now the old router interface is looking in the wrong place. I would check the version right at the router and then download it from Netgear's site and apply it manually.

But it baffles me that my moms brand new iphone 8 connects perfectly.

I did a little checking and the WiFi radio specs for the Droid Turbo 2 and the iPhone 8 are pretty close. Both support 802.11ac (and i would assume b/g/n as well). The router on the other hand only broadcasts b/g which is limited to the 2.4 gHZ band. Could it be that your phone is set to use 5 gHZ only? Or, that there's something wrong with your phone's radio and 2.4 gHZ is broken, but 5 gHZ at home works fine.

I'm really just throwing out ideas hoping something sticks. :)
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Could it be that your phone is set to use 5 gHZ only? Or, that there's something wrong with your phone's radio and 2.4 gHZ is broken, but 5 gHZ at home works fine.

I'm really just throwing out ideas hoping something sticks. :)

Both antennas on my phone show on my router at home and I am able to choose 2.4 or 5 so I know that my phones antennas are both working fine.

I will try to get the latest firmware on the router and see if that helps but I am not going to hold my breath......
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Both antennas on my phone show on my router at home and I am able to choose 2.4 or 5 so I know that my phones antennas are both working fine.

I will try to get the latest firmware on the router and see if that helps but I am not going to hold my breath......

I downloaded the latest to manually install, however I am unable to open a .CHK extension...
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Might have been a corrupt download and the update fails the checksum. Try downloading it again because the link says specifically the .chk extension is what it's looking for.
I did and the upload failed..... I guess it just wasnt meant to be. At this point it's really more about the chase. I mean it's a 7 year old router. Thats why the wizard cant find any newer versions.
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TIPS... If you are updating firmware on any router... Always do it from a PC when connected with an ethernet ( wired ) connection...

If you make any changes to any settings, just for testing purposes etc... Remember to write them down and include the section you were in when making them..

On any 2.4Ghz router... only set the wireless channels to ch. 1, 6 or 11. If you set it to any other channel, you will end up causing the signal to also interfere with the channels on either side. Most modern routers only use those three channels now. ( 5Ghz doesn't have this problem, it was designed to not have channel overlaps ).

I was able to find a manual to look at but it didn't cover all of the sections of the router, only the basics. While normally I'd recommend setting the wireless for both "B and G" bands ( should be the default setting ), as a test try setting it to "G" only. If you change any setting, the router will have to save and reset in order to make the change active. If you do change it and that doesn't help... set it back to "B and G" when finished.

I also recommend only using WPA-PSK security settings... While this old of a router may still be able to be hacked using that setting, it's still it's most secure setting it has. If you do change to this setting, the other devices that connected previously will need to reconnect/pair using the updated method and passwords.

Sorry I couldn't find an actual setting that may be related and could only provide some recommended settings. My actual recommendation is also to get a new router that supports A/C settings, this router is a very old design and it's likely a compatibility issue ( which is actually common with older wireless routers and adapters ).
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Thanks for the reply.

I have tried everything you mentioned. I am certain it's a compatibility issue because like you said it is a very old router but it serves it's purpose for my mother and that is all that matters. I am thinking about switching back to apple. I am back and forth over the years and it just seems the apples have a better layout and seem more streamline. I do love droids though. They both have their advantages. I personally haven't really liked the Turbo 2 it by far has been the worse droid I have owned :(
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When it comes to compatibly issues with the older Wifi components... I'm seeing it about the same in both Android and Apple products. The last one I had to deal with for a client was a couple of the older iPhones wouldn't connect to the client's D-Link router but the newer iPhone they had did just fine as well as my Turbo 2 .... ( I've never had networking issues with any of the Motorola Androids I've used and owned personally )...

As far as being more "streamlined"... I'd guess that's more of a personal preference actually. With an Android you have more choices and options on how to do something but with Apple products its limited to only what Apple want's to allow... In fact, when it comes to networking, Apple is very limited and seldom follows the industry standards and more specifically, if it's an enterprise network it's much less likely to work with an Apple product than an Android, Linux or Windows based one.
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I agree when your talking about industry standards/enterprise networking and multiple platforms etc. However, just for the purpose of having a phone to talk and text and just have for basic use I think the iphone has a more user friendly interface. It's totally subjective. Like I say I have used both and like both for basic use. If I owned a business then yes I would probably go with a linux or windows based platform because there is way more compatibility with these operating systems.
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