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I bid thee farewell :-)

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Well I have been on the fence for it for quite some time. I think a year or so now? so this is nothing new or shocking I guess :)

I want to move on with my life and move forward with certain thing-a-majiggies :)

I just wanted to say a huge and unconditional thank you to everyone that has helped me throughout the years both technical and spiritually in all kinds of interesting avenues helping me move forward and getting me out of my depressed slump I sometimes got into and everything else above and in-between :)

It is truly remarkable and unforgettable!

However something has been telling me for a while that I think it is time to move on... I know this may be a bit of a hassle and sorry to ask you but could the mods maybe delete all my photos attached here on the forums?

Please could the mods delete all my photos I do sincerely apologize for the inconvenience :( hopefully it won't be too big a problem - just photos of me please you can keep everything else :)

Its a very crazy world and I don't want to be known or seen anymore.

It has been unparalleled awesome though and hopefully you enjoyed my presence as much as I did yours :)

Please if you could do a full nuke that would be great :)

So long and thanks of all the fish! :)

Don't worry I won't change my mind I will be happy to go I feel it is time :)

Take care my good friends


Stinky Stinky
Stay safe

Thank you bcrichster buddy I always enjoyed our interesting chats :)

I won't forget our times together buddy :)

I won't forget anybody thats for sure! :D

But it is time for me to move on I also want to force myself to get off the forums to hang out with my dad... he wont be around forever sadly and I need to wake up and realize this as well :(

Deleting my account will force me to spend time with my dad that is so precious right now so I need a full nuke.

Don't worry I fully understand the consequences that I won't be able to come back ;)

I want to spend some time with my old man before it is too late.

A massive thank you to all and God bless you.

You have been all truly amazing!
thank you buddy :)

I really enjoyed it here it was lovely but I must spend time with my dad whatever time I have left and it is running out! :(

I regret arguing with my dad in the past over meaningless frivolous things :(

Please could the dis all delete any photos of me on the forums I cannot reiterate how sorry I am if this causes a bit of a headache but I would be extremely grateful if you could because I don't want to be known as well on the internet or seen as some kind of crazy racist (which is just rubbish anyway) - the world is a very crazy place.

So please if the mods could take a tiny bit of time to just check all attached files of me on the forums I would be EXTREMELY grateful! :)

I am going to miss you guys :)

but my dad needs me I moved back in with my parents just so I could force myself to spend the little time left with my dad.

You don't know what you got till its gone guys take each moment as if it was the last!!!

Love your parents before it is too late guys :')
Take it easy buddy. you'll be missed. May you go with whatever god you fancy and I wish you well.

Thank you buddy I am really gonna miss you guys big time!!! :-D

I loved it here but must look after my dad and correct the wrongs of the past that I have made :)

All good things must come to and end ;)

I am gonna miss you all!!!
Please mods if you guys could just take a slightly tiny bit of your time to delete any photos of me on the forums I don't mind if you have to delete all my attached photos I would be ever so extremely grateful!

(Don't worry I sorted out photo bucket already can't be a jerk and not do at least that lol :D)

Sorry to be a slight pain in the ass about that apologies I should have thought before posting and not given you a hard times sorryings! :)

And a full nuke so I can't come back to force me to spend time with my dad :)

I would be super grateful :D

At least I gave you guys notice hehe :D

hehe didn't want to be a jerk and just leave without notice :D

Bummer but it is your life (and your dad's). Do what you gotta do -

Thank you buddy I am gonna miss you guys :)

@Unforgiven and other mods could you guys possibly look for all photos attached and delete them please?

I require a full nuke please so I can't come back - I want to force myself to spend time with my dad please if this is okay :)

(Sorry to be a bit of a pain in the ass!)
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Will miss you. Stay safe and be happy,.

Thank you zuben el genoobez buddy I am gonna miss all you guys big time too!! :D

Yes!!! I will stay safe that is for sure especially with all these crazy guys not concentrating in this industry it can be scary as hell that :/

I hope I don't die young due to some careless person!

I don't like hazardous people but I must stay happy and positive :)
Take care of yourself and your dad! I haven't been here that long but it was always a pleasure reading your posts. Be strong.

Thanks buddy I sure will I really appreciate it and you always said some really awesome and lovely / inspirational posts!

I will definitely look after my dad - better late than never! :-)

I am gonna miss you guys!

I think goodbye is so much harder than saying hello! :)

Hopefully the mods like @Unforgiven , @lunatic59 will hopefully come nuke my account :)

Also if the mods could please delete all my threads in the private chat with staff that would be great as well there is some hectic stuff in there I want to forget about my depressing sessions I had it is scary stuff!

Even thinking about how I depressed used to be makes me sad lol always good to forgot about the bad past lol hehe :D

Thank you to everyone I am so going to miss you guys! :D
I've tried to get roaches to leave. They never do.

Lol haha yeah hard buggers to kill ;)

But were lovely as can be :D

Mods @Phases someone could you please delete my account?

Sorry to be a slight pain I require option 2 please that which is a full nuke but please just check for any photos to remove / delete don't worry I won't irritate you anymore.

Sorry about that @Phases will be the last time buddy don't want to irritate you guys.


I asked for it I think once or twice don't want to be too much of a bother for you guys sorry about that :)

Don't worry will be the last time :)

I am gonna miss all of you guys ;)

But I am hoping they will nuke it though I don't think they really want to :)
Stinky we don't delete posts of ex forum members because that would disrupt the flow of threads. And nobody in their right mind has the will, or time, to go through over 4700 posts checking for images of you.
Phases did do a search for all the attached images I have I think there is a method to do it under his special tools :)

And I was surprised there weren't too many to look through.

And he is such a nice guy I am hoping he will do it :)

I don't want to piss him off though so hopefully I can work my magic lol :)

Also mods can you please delete all my threads in the private chat with staff?

Sorry to be a bit of pain but after that it will be done and then I can delete this account.

You don't have to delete all my posts just the images (infarct to make it much easier for you can delete all attached photos of you want to :))

If you want to keep my posts you are more than welcome to to help not disrupt the flow :)

But please delete all attached images I don't think it should be too challenging.
You've killed the links to external image hosting sites, that should be effective.
With regards to the threads in private chat, nobody else on the forum, or the wider internet can see those apart from mods.
Well I would still like it deleted anyway as they depressing and scary as heck!

Very bad memories I have and don't want to remember how scary I used to be. (With the private chat with staff)

Some of those threads give me nightmares just looking at them.

Very bad memories in some of those threads.

I definitely want them deleted. All of them.

It reminds me of how incredible this community truly is :)

All that incredible support!

It's absolutely amazing!

But that doesn't mean I want to see those horrifying memories though.

But yes that most definitely puts you guys in a very special or unique category :)
I have deleted all kinds of attached images of the places on the forums that I know of this should help Phases a tonne :)

I don't think I have a lot of attached images on here anyway it is very seldom I do attach something so hopefully it won't be too big a challenge and I am really hoping Phases is kind enough to take just a small minute of his time to look through it.

He did check before but it would be nice if he could check one last time just to be in the safe side :)

I really don't want to be a problem or stressful or give a y body too much stress.

I will really appreciate it :)

This forum is absolutely amazing though.

I just can't get how awesome everyone has been!

The people are always what makes something an incredible success or a bitter failure and I must admit android forums is incredible because of its people they are truly unique :)

In a league of your own guys!

Absolutely incredible :)

More than meets the eye ;)
lol I am so flattered I don't think the owner/s of the forums want me to go :)

I am trying to work my magic lol but I don't think they wanna let me go ;)

If so wow I am really flattered!

But maybe also just too busy to respond hehe :D and not as awesome as what I think it is! xD
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