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I bid thee farewell :-)

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You're almost an institution here, @Stinky Stinky. I'd hate to see you go. As for your posting history ...

"those who don't learn from the past are condemned to repeat it."

-- Bill Murray "Groundhog Day" ;)
@lunatic59 Aww thank you Loonie! :'D

I LOVE that quote!!! :D

lol you know me too well ;)

You are one of those very special people like you said on your lunatic site a knight in shining aromor that doesn't get enough credit and his armour gets a bit rusty over time and nobody realizes or stops to comprehend it or try to understand :)

lol thank you buddy very special guy :)

We need more people like you! lol your loony name is a real contradiction hey and doesn't really add up due to how extremely nice you are ;)

And thanks @El Presidente buddy!! :D

Yes I think I am doing the right thing! I need to spend more time with my dad it was so wonderful the other day we were working on the dishwasher because the hose had snapped off due to it being moved by my mother when she saw a mouse in the house (lol gangsta cat was so freaking lazy he dint even bother trying to catch the mouse he was such a disgrace! :D lol he is too lazy! XD and he just sat there waiting for more tuna!) and it ran under the dishwasher so when my mother tried to move the dishwasher the hose snapped because she thought it went under the dish washer lol :) XD

Anyway to cut a long story short my father and I were replacing the hose and it was awesome because we usually start fighting and arguing (as usual) but because I for some reason realized that he just isn't going to be around for much longer I just smiled and took all the angry yells and just smiled and he said at the end after replacing the hose (very easy job really) he said to me "wow we didn't even argue or fight once!"

So it was really awesome to just work with my dad on something and not start arguing and fighting like we usually do it was a lovely treat :)

It was really lovely happened I think 4 days or so ago now lol :)

But yes there have been some slight issues in the past and I want to have the most happy and loving memories with my dad as I possibly can while I still have some time left.

We used to fight badly sometimes and it was over such frivolous stuff as well but better late than never! :D

He went back in today now lol :)
Lol dang I don't think they wanna delete me :D

I can check in any time I like but I can never leave ;)

You'll regret it @Stinky Stinky .... Just log out and do what you need to do. Come back when things get better.

Life for me has changed as well. After my 4th nervous breakdown I've decided its time for a change. Its natural to want to purge everything in life that reminds you of worse times, but you're pretty deeply rooted here pal. Well known. Lots of people who would help you during the tough times...

Even if it's just a forum with usernames, you have people.

Stay awhile. Things will get better. And I'll bet you come back after some time anyway.
Maybe you are right buddy and maybe I will seriously regret it later. :)

Hmm yes maybe I should seriously think about this darn.

I must just have the internal discipline to not go online then lol :)
hehehehe :D

lol yes! XD

Sir talk a lot (of shit!) xD :D

Aaah yeah was just waiting on them to nuke me but didn't realize it was just overloaded but thought it might be as much ;)


I am that little terror that nobody wants to stay or go! xD

lol I think there is a song for just about everything!
Hey @Rob buddy yes please I would like to go but please could you delete all photos as well please - and don't stress I know you are busy so it might take a while for you to respond :)

Please PM me when you have checked those attached images / photos. I am really hoping this is not going to be too difficult or problematic - I really don't want to be a pain in the ass and make it as easy and stress free for you as possible. :)

I am doing the right thing... something is telling me I need to go. Maybe I need to spend more time talking to God and trying hard to understand his ways.

This is something I feel I have neglected badly over the years and maybe why I am not so happy at times.

I feel I have neglected my spiritual side very badly at times.

Hey @Rob buddy let me know how it is going with deleting those photos:)

I don't want to be a pain in the backside buddy hopefully there is some kind of tool to only select / show what posts have attachments to them so you can basically check all the attachments for any particular user :)

I know you have got stuff to do. Sorry guys once this is done I will happily delete my account :D

But don't want to be a jerk as this might be challenging (and you are doing me the favour not the other way around) bit hopefully won't be challenging :)

Once this is done I will be on my way and I will leave you guys in peace :D
I wouldn't miss you. But schiste, I'm just a Dude.

Don't worry I won't miss you either that's for sure! :D

Don't waste your time guys! Once you use it you can never get it back!

I am looking forward to being nuked hopefully @Rob will have a method to remove those images in an easy way.

Hopefully it will be as painless as possible.

If they don't want to then I just want my account nuked anyway. Or half nuked or whatever the best option I can get so I can't return.
I never had nuke powers. If I did I'd have granted your request.

That being said...

I really appreciate this buddy I would love to be nuked that would be first prize :)

Thank you buddy lol I am gonna miss you was just kidding ;) :D
I don't know owe it's complicated ... For one I am actually afraid of becoming famous.

I never knew I would be in a position of power like I am today! Sometimes I struggle to comprehend it. I am really shocked actually and I don't want people to see me on here thinking I am some kind of KKK racist or something like that and some day I get a lot of shit.

I also want to try and hang out more with my dad. There are issues between us that's for sure! I need to fix some issues we've had.

Also I want to try and disconnect from the world in a way.

I feel the more I connect the less I understand myself it's... It's weird if I can put it that way :)

I feel it is going to be good for me in a way and my family :)
Sorry to see you go, hope wherever your journey brings you, that you are at peace. Peace brings resolve and happiness, so hope it does for you as well. ;)
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