The end of net neutrality is not a theory. Verizon has been quite clear with their FCC dealings on this, and it occupied the press for months.
This is not about privacy.
This is about they want to charge you for which sites you visit and to not even let you visit competitors sites.
It was that part of news you didn't pay attention to last year.
Wake up. Not a conspiracy theory - it's a new model on how to charge and control your internet access.
And Comcast already tried it, got caught, and whacked for it.
All of the big providers want the net carved up so that instead of being free after your access charges, it will operate as a private toll system.
And while many would like to argue with me about that, I would suggest you argue with your lawmakers and right now. They are putting together the votes to make this nightmare a reality.
Oh, and guess what Verizon is using as an excuse to charge you for which sites you visit?
Bandwidth hogging, their very words.
The two things are entirely and completely unrelated, but their PR has been so effective that people who have read nothing more than Verizon lies on this are now posting that they buy in to this crap.
And so is congress.
Seriously, wake up.
I could care less, I just won't use the internet anymore! lol
I'm more awake than you know

I did call my senators, I think it's redundant, but maybe my vote will count, so yes, I do help out.