out of ideas
Android Enthusiast
Probably the bottom of the barrel Windows 8 machine, which goes for around $299 here
I'm not sure I want a windows 8 machine. It looks so cluttered to me.
oh good god no. win7 is where im gonna stop. i dont need some randomly updating giant panels, or touchscreen or anything else weird on my computer. im with you on the horrible uglyness of the "new" era of computing.
a computer is for typing with, a phone/tablet is for touching.
plus with how long it takes to get java and eclipse and apk multitool set-up perfectly, im not going back through that learning curve when i can do everything i need to do with this admittedly couple year old laptop.
i did run ubuntu with a virtual machine for a little bit, but never get enough time to play around with it to get it perfect, but maybe one day i can be an official cool guy like moody . plus i only really got it to do AOSP builds, but really kind of got out of rom stuff and started doing app stuff.
to be honest i dont use much microsoftness and never really have, all im ever doing these days in realplayer, firefox, and eclipse.