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I should be an Asus Salesman


Android Enthusiast
Jan 15, 2011
Warrenton, Va
Since I've had my Prime (December) I've had two of my friends buy one based on using mine. I let them know all the "Problems" and they didn't care. They just experienced the raw power that is the Prime and couldn't live without one. To top it all off one of the is an Apple fanboy (at least he was).
Wow, I should really get a commission check from Asus. I just finished showing an IT guy at the factory I work at my Prime because a co-worker told him about it and they are thinking of getting some then streaming their procedures and schematics from their server. He really liked it and Splashtop has some corporate software that may work that he is looking into.
This may mean about 100 units for Asus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Awwww! I wish I could give you credit for my purchase, but, alas, I did all by myself!


My Prime is less than 48 hours old and I've already forgotten that I have an Android phone! This bad boy just, just screams. It's just plain ole sick! Ghetto-fabulous! Off-the-chain! Awesome! Off-the-heezy-wheezy!!! And any other slang term that just says GREAT!!!
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Though I love my Razr, Thrive and View, no IT department in their sane mind would choose Android, unless there is no access to sensitive company data (or money to burn). We looked at it, but too much risk and way too expensive and risky to augment the platform. The military are going to have some devices, but a proprietary build that tax payers are paying for.

We are going to use almost a thousand iPad 2 16GB, and saved over $100,000 due to price drops. Also saved another $150,000 it would have cost to develop, pilot and roll out a propriety platform to afford a secure network with Android. Apple already provides a secure platform and resources.

Not to mention the weak wifi and GPS on the Prime would be problematic at our facilities.
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BTW, got my Prime yesterday and the WiFi/GPS seem to work fine. Still had a signal on the other side of the house from the router and I got a GPS lock inside the house within a few seconds of starting up Google Maps. I'll probably do some wifi speed runs between the Prime, my Droid X, and my laptop at some point, but right now, I don't see an issue.
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Though I love my Razr, Thrive and View, no IT department in their sane mind would choose Android, unless there is no access to sensitive company data (or money to burn). We looked at it, but too much risk and way too expensive and risky to augment the platform. The military are going to have some devices, but a proprietary build that tax payers are paying for.

We are going to use almost a thousand iPad 2 16GB, and saved over $100,000 due to price drops. Also saved another $150,000 it would have cost to develop, pilot and roll out a propriety platform to afford a secure network with Android. Apple already provides a secure platform and resources.

Not to mention the weak wifi and GPS on the Prime would be problematic at our facilities.

There are solutions:

Splashtop Pro

My company looked at getting us all iPhones but Apple is too uptight to allow our IT guys develope an app that will allow us to connect to our intranet.

As far as the weak wifi, my Prime connects perfectly in the factory. Let me say that I work in a semiconductor fab so there is a lot of interferance sources that have no effect on my Primes wifi.
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There was an ASUS rep at local Best Buy on Friday who was adamant that an update of the T201 was shipping next month that has a plastic strip on the back that is similar to the 1080p model back releasing in the summer.

Best Buy stopped taking new shipments of the current version and this is why you can not easily find them at Best Buy.

BTW, I got a new iPad 64gb wifi to test and compared it to the Prime for an hour today.

I have used the Prime a few times, but not comparing to older iPad since Prime display is better.
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