Thanks a lot. If it ever happens again, I'll be better prepared.
I ditched Avast, MalwareBytes is still on and I might just ditch that one too.
I checked and there are no un-named apps.
I don't use the phone that much for Internet, because I mostly work from home, and have access to a computer and a tablet. Bigger screens are a plus if they are available.
When I'm away from home, I'm usually with my wife, so there is no reason to surf the net. However if we are in a waiting room at the doctors (she was her mother-in-law's caregiver) or something, the phone might come out to relieve the boredom.
I probably got whatever it was clicking a google link to pass some idle time.
However it left my phone with a curious situation. Sometimes if an app wants to update, I have to put the phone in the safe mode or else it won't update. It will just sit there with the circle going around and around for hours.
It's no big deal. Most of the apps I don't even use (the Google and Samsung apps).
Google has been having difficulty updating apps.
There is a remedy that usually works, although it is hit or miss as to whether or not you need to use it.
If you have not done so already, go into the settings on Google Play Store and turn 'Auto-Update Apps' off.
Close the app.
This will make life easier, and you shouldn't have to worry about an app suddenly becoming completely different from what it was the last time you used it.
Now you are in control.
Generally, I choose Saturday as my 'update day'.
Around noonish I check to see if there are updates available.
If so, I read recent reviews- to see if the new update is going over well.
If people don't like it, or the app has radically been changed, I don't bother until I can test it out on a different device, or another update fixes whatever people are complaining about.
Now, in your device settings, under Apps, you can find the 'show system' setting.
Choose that and then find Google Play Store.
Delete the cache from that app.
Now find Google Play Services and delete the cache for that one as well.
Now reopen Google Play Store and click on My Apps. (Top selection)
Try to update the app(s) that you want updated.
If you still get the 'spinning wheel of wait' then close the app and return to the device settings, and Apps once again.
Select Show System, and this time when you find Google Play Store and Google Play Services, delete the app data.
This is not as drastic as it seems.
Open the Google Play Store app again.
You now must go and reset all your app preferences inside this app, as the data is gone.
Don't forget to turn Auto-Update Apps off again.
Now wait about 5-10 minutes.
Google will download some stuff that was deleted.
Google Play Services may also.
After about 10 minutes try to update the app(s) again.
Now it should work.
If not, there is one more thing to try- but about 99% of the time the issue is resolved now, at least for a while.
Typically, if I update each Saturday, I have to go through the above procedure about once a month or so.
The last ditch effort is to remove all of the data and updates from Google Play Store and Google Play Services.
This is a bit of a pain, because afterwards you are back to square one on these two, like when you first got the phone.
So you open the Play Store, go to settings, and scroll down to Play Store version.
Tap that, and it will tell you that a new version of the Play Store will be downloaded and installed.
Tap ok.
Now it will do that, and you should immediately go and make your setting choices again (yes, again. I know, right? I hate Google!).
Somewhere around the 10 minute mark all the stuff Google needs to work will download automatically, and you should be able to update apps now.
Like I said, that is a last ditch effort.
But I have not had that fail to work yet, unless I didn't wait long enough.
There are pauses between some downloads, so it can be difficult to tell when it is done.
Good luck, hope this helps.
Oh, and the reason that you didn't find the 'invisable' app is because there isn't one.
You did say thst the ads do not appear anymore, correct?
I just included the info in case it ever happens to you again, or anyone else reading this thread.
The way that it happened to me was just like you described.
And to top it off, the ad-wear app came from some app that I had downloaded, and then uninstalled.
It did not take its 'little friend' with it when it was uninstalled.
That is one reason to always delete the data of an app before you uninstall it.
I don't know if that would've even helped in this case, as the ad-ware was in its own app.
But like I said, with no name or icon it is hard to find if you don't know how.