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Icons Changed on Home Screen

I have a question about my Note Edge home screen display. The app icons on my home screen in standard mode changed this morning for an unknown reason. Although the phone's display is still in standard mode, about 20 icons changed to the easy mode icons which are more generic looking. The icons that changed include phone, email, messages, gallery, camera, etc. I've been looking for a way in Settings to change the icons back to the way they were but have found nothing. Does anyone have any ideas why this may have happened and what I can do to get the original icons back?
Thank you for your response. I am already in Standard Mode but it is using the easy mode icons. All icons on my Homepage are small as it's always been in Standard Mode. Everything looks the same as in Standard Mode except for the 12 icons that have changed to the more generic look. The icons that changed include Calendar, Camera, Clock, Email, Gallery, Internet, Messages, Music, My Files, Phone, Video and Voice Recorder. Again, it is in standard mode. Is there a software glich?

I am running Android 6.0.1
Odd. Have you tried setting to Easy Mode to see what happens to your screens and then switch back to Standard Mode? Of course if you haven't already done so there's the most basic fix of just restarting your Note, sometimes just a reboot will reset a lot of glitchy things. You might also want to go into the Application manager in your Settings, swipe over to the 'All' section, scroll down to the TouchWiz app, and tap on its icon. Tap on the 'Force stop' button and then the 'Clear cache' button, and then be sure to restart your Note.
I already tried switching back and forth between Standard Mode and Easy Mode and then back again several times. I've also rebooted a bunch of times with no success. As you suggested, I went to the Application Manager, then force stopped the Touch Wiz app and cleared the cache. Didn't work as icons are still the same. I've had my Note Edge for two years and I've never seen the icons switch to the Easy Mode icons while still in Standard Mode. I've never heard that happening to anyone. I have attached an image of the home screen below. Only the icons that are available when you go to Easy Mode changed, not the icons of the apps that I downloaded. I collected most of the ones that changed and put them on the home page that is attached below. As you can see, the phone is still in Standard Mode but the icons are the Easy Mode icons. They look generic to me and I'm thinking about doing a factory reset and starting from scratch to get my phone back to where it was. It would take me almost a day to download all the apps and set up all the widgets. I'm just trying to find a solution here before I do a factory reset. Anyone have any other ideas?


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The icons must have been changed in the Android software update because when I did a factory reset, the icons were still changed. So there is nothing you can do if you want the original icons for Standard Mode.
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