IMO, it's the Global warmers who won't admit the reality that several of the pro warming studies have shown to have been out and out faked to support that position
Also they fail to accept the reality that there were similar temperature changes in the world in periods Before cars ever even became popular or there was any massive industrialization
The want to place all these tree hugger mandates on the U.S. and Europe while they deny the reality that there's NOTHING They Can Do to offset India, China and other developing nations polluting to the MAX and laughing all the way to the bank at us bowing to the tree huggers.
IMO, most of any "global warming" directly relates to solar activity (flares) that have been affecting the earth far longer than man has been here and probably far longer after we are all dead.
No, I'm not going to debate this or dig around for any back up to what I've said. It's all common knowledge to those who Really Don't deny The Truth and the "Warmers" are simply too entrenched in their lunacy to even admit to the possibility of any other probable scenario than theirs. Frankly, it's been somewhere between beating my head against the wall and a complete waste of my time to even type out THIS short response.
(At least so far as I suspect the Warmers would think.)
Bruce in Ocala, Fl