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iJumped Ship

Decided to leave my iPhone behind and move on to something, that I hope will be, a little more fun. My LG Spectrum 2 is arriving on Monday, and I am really excited to give it a go. New to Android, so please forgive the idiocy that will pour from my head over the next few weeks. Looking forward to being around.

Jarret from MI
Hello jm85. :hello: Glad to have you here at Android Forums.

Welcome to the world of Android. I hope we can help you get the most out of your new phone, and make the transition from IOS a little easier for you. Here's a link to our Spectrum 2 sub-forum, where you'll find some useful info, tips, and help if needed from the folks here who know that phone best.

LG Spectrum 2 - Android Forums

Being new to Android, you may also find some helpful general info in the links in my signature line (right below the friendly "Don't Panic" ;))

If there's anything else we can do to help you, just let us know. That's what we're here for.

Enjoy the forums, and happy posting! :)

- eyebeam
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