Found a much shorter way to gain temp root...
First, some assumptions...
1. USB Debugging enabled
2. Stay Awake checked
3. Wifi enabled and connected (need IP of phone)
Proper su binary is saved on the root of your sdcard
Okay, lets get root!
1. Run "# start telnetd as root on port 22" from Cydia Impactor
2. Telnet into phone's wifi ip on port 22
3. At ~ # prompt, type "su", then enter (gives FIX ME! error)
4. Type "exit", then enter. (brings you back to ~ #)
5. Type "mount -o rw,remount /system", then enter.
6. Type "cp /sdcard/su /system/xbin/su", then enter.
7. Type "cd system/xbin", then enter.
8. Type "chmod 06755 su", then enter.
9. Type "ln -s /system/xbin/su /system/bin/su", then enter.
That's it!
At this point you can exit back to the C:\ prompt...
From there, if you want to test it you can open an adb shell, then type su and enter... You should get "shell@android:/ #"
If you have not already... install supersu or superuser on phone and make sure it sees the su binary.
This is still only temp root, but it eliminates having to start telnetd as 'system', telnet in as 'system', running some some commands, then exiting that and running Cydia Impactor again... the telneting back in as 'root'... It also allows you to use 'cp' and 'chmod' commands without busybox. As such, for me it seems less fool proof.
I have not had this method fail yet, after several phone reboots for a sanity check... Let me know how it goes for you... Here is a screenshot of everything from step 2 to step 9; and proof of a privileged shell using this method. Enjoy!
EDIT: What shall I call this method? LOL