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Hello everybody. My name is Carissa and this is my very first android. I looked at your link for deleting useless apps/games on the android and I couldnt download z4root because my phone does not support it. I have the Huweai Ascend m860 from MetroPCS. IF you could please help me out, it would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone has any advice or important things I should know about androids; please feel free to let me know. Thank you all. And to those who help me out; Your time is greatly appreciated. :D
Welcome to the AndroidForums, Carissa :)!

Yeah, you'll probably have to root your phone to remove or disable any bloatware.

By the way, if you never actually launch any of the apps that you want to remove, they really should be pretty harmless and not prove too taxing on your phone's resources since they won't actually be active. Note, this is not always true, of course, so your mileage will vary ;).

Check out your phone's home forums, especially the all-things-root sub-forum:

Huawei Ascend - Android Forums

Ascend - All Things Root - Android Forums

By the way, you can still install apps via things like "The Sideload Wonder Machine" (hint: Google that ;)).

Also, if you do succeed in becoming rooted, I would advise "freezing" your apps instead of deleting them. You can do this via things like Titanium Backup, Root Explorer, and a few others. Freezing is safer than deleting. Be sure to make a Nandroid backup if you can (you should learn about all of this in the root forum listed above).

Cheers and good luck!
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