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Help I'm passing on my TouchPad to a new Android user


Android Expert
I'm giving my TouchPad to my wife, who has never really used a tablet or smartphone before -- so a completely novice user. Before I give it to her, I want to clear the data and reflash Android to the device. Additionally, I still need to flash the A6 chip on the TouchPad. I have a few questions:

First, what Android Build should I install? My thought is CM9 (I currently have 10.1 installed), for the stability but I'm curious what others think.

Should I completely wipe memory and reinstall WebOS, then root and install the Android? Or should I just wipe partitions and flash the Android build and flash the A6 chip (and when in the process should I flash the A6 chip)? While I should have flashed the A6 chip already, I didn't see the need since I use a TouchStone to charge my TP and never have issues -- though I regretted it recently when I traveled and my TP would not charge in Android (I finally rebooted to WebOS, where it charged fine).

Any other things I should to or tips you might have, including resources or tutorials that my wife my like that will help her learn how to use the TP?
The only thing I might suggest if you do a Factory Data reset through your Settings-->Security menu is, be sure to check erase sdcard. Otherwise any data, photos,cached websites you may have stored there won't be erased. Just sayin'. You don't want to end up sleeping on the sofa.
I'd stick with CM10. You can factory reset on the WebOS side, but then you'd have to reinstall things in order to flash the A6. If she's sticking to Android (which is what I'd recommend for a new user), you can leave it as-is. If you wipe the sdcard, you'll lose the apps on the webOS side, which probably is no big deal, 'cause it should re-download it.
I'm giving my TouchPad to my wife, who has never really used a tablet or smartphone before -- so a completely novice user. Before I give it to her, I want to clear the data and reflash Android to the device. Additionally, I still need to flash the A6 chip on the TouchPad. I have a few questions:

First, what Android Build should I install? My thought is CM9 (I currently have 10.1 installed), for the stability but I'm curious what others think.

Should I completely wipe memory and reinstall WebOS, then root and install the Android? Or should I just wipe partitions and flash the Android build and flash the A6 chip (and when in the process should I flash the A6 chip)? While I should have flashed the A6 chip already, I didn't see the need since I use a TouchStone to charge my TP and never have issues -- though I regretted it recently when I traveled and my TP would not charge in Android (I finally rebooted to WebOS, where it charged fine).

Any other things I should to or tips you might have, including resources or tutorials that my wife my like that will help her learn how to use the TP?

I'd stick with CM10. You can factory reset on the WebOS side, but then you'd have to reinstall things in order to flash the A6. If she's sticking to Android (which is what I'd recommend for a new user), you can leave it as-is. If you wipe the sdcard, you'll lose the apps on the webOS side, which probably is no big deal, 'cause it should re-download it.

Warning, I'd be real careful what you do on the WebOS side. Support for all Palm devices is going away real soon, so I would suggest you get your WebOS side set up the way you want it and leave well enough alone. I understand, the only support left will be through Preware/WebOS Internals.

The A6 chip firmware flash is strictly a function of WebOS and hardware. One can do nothing about it through Android.

There is nothing on the SD card that Android or WebOS need to function. Some apps are installed there, data and settings are stored there. So cleaning it off either before or after you do a factory/data reset via CWM recovery will not harm anything and like John said, could make a different on sleeping or not sleeping on your couch.:D

You can do a similar reset in WebOS through settings/device info/ reset options. The full reset takes around 45 minutes so be sure your battery is fully charged. However, if you never did much setup of WebOS, I see no point. And once the HP servers go down, there won't be anymore registering or restoring from them once they are gone.
Nevertells, no more webos support is pretty disturbing news. What exactly does that mean for us? How will this affect newly acquired or debricking Touchpads????
It only affects WebOS, WebOS accts, WebOS updates.

Hopefully someone will pick up the service.

More here: The webOS Survival Kit: everything you need to know should webOS doomsday come | webOS Nation

Wonder how this will affect the Phoenix International Communications project to use ACL to run Android apps in WebOS. Their kickstarter project became fully funded last month. I just checked their website and their release schedule for ACL on the TouchPad is Sept.30th. They are estimating the price to purchase ACL between $20 and $35. You can check out their webste here:
ACL for webOS Release Schedule | PIC - Phoenix International Communications
I saw that awhile back and wondered that myself.

I think someone's going to be out of a job all of a sudden... :D
Not that I recall. I guess I thought it was interesting, but too late since CyanogenMod was stable.
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