...these online job applications

. It feels like whenever I tell the truth on the questionnaire, I don't even get a chance with an interview. I read somewhere that if there are "wrong" answers that it won't ever be seen by a human. Guess I have to start lying on all the questions then...
Can you post a few examples? There are ways to honestly answer the questions and not lie. When you lie, you are subject to termination. Like I just posted, I might like to see resumes/applications with a few lies; it gives me a chance to fire you at will some where down the road. Sounds bad, but there you go.
So how is your resume looking? Do you use power words and phrases? Is your resume one page or is it a novel? When you make a claim about job performance, can you explain what you did, how it impacted the company and so forth? Or did you attach a resume at all?
Did you Google yourself and see what others will see when they Google you? And they will, this is just a fact. If you hate republicans with a blind passion and you say so all over the web, some republican hiring manager might just toss your app or delete it.
Assuming you attached a cover letter/resume, are you using words in your resume that are in the job posting? Some people use Crawlers to make sure your resume contains skills that they are looking for.
How many resumes do you have? I have resumes created for specific industries, jobs within the industries I want to work and in a few cases, resumes specific to one company. I also have a general resume for other jobs I might find interesting as well as ten different cover letters and a special email account just for job related stuff.
Perhaps if you provide a few examples and more details, we can help you.
What field are you interested in? Are you applying through a recruiter or employment agency? Are you applying for jobs you are not qualified for? This often happens.
We need more info.
Let me give you a simple fact: if you approach the process properly, if you present yourself properly, if you do not lie and if you are qualified for the job, you will find work. The economy sucks, but companies still need people. They just want the best people.
Here in SLC, there are open positions for fine pitch solder techs. One manufacturer simply cannot find qualified applicants. I would be hired if
I applied because I can solder fine pitch SMT components without a microscope.
It is my opinion that companies demand more these days and they want specific skills and employees that can adapt. I think so many are having trouble finding work because they apply to companies they really are not qualified to work for or they do not impress the hiring manager/HR or they have killed their chances to get the job because they do not know how to apply these days.
I certainly learned lots of things about job hunting in the last few weeks and I am a smart guy with monster skills in all phases of high-speed, high volume production. I am a treasure.
I do wish you luck, it is tough but not impossible to land a job.