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I'm starting the process of suing BLU

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I've posted on this forum before and the topic really wasn't going anywhere, as it just became a dumping ground for people to air their grievances
This is my original post: Help - this is reprehensible I despise phones because of this.

While I wasn't happy with some of what was going on, I will say thank you to the people who did reply as on just about any other forum, the topic would have been closed, me labeled as a troll, and banned. So I thank people for actually understanding. So Instead of continuing I left the forum for a while to let things chill. So again that's a personal thank you from me to the people in that thread. That being said, now onto this post

I want to bring people's attention to a few things mentioned in that topic:
1. Why not get another phone
2. Look it up.

Here are the problems with those two statements people love to use as a crutch:
I shouldn't have to get another phone or look anything up nor will I. People saying get another phone or look something up, is nothing but letting company off the hook because they cannot provide instructions on how to use their products. I shouldn't have to look up how to use a basic feature never-mind how to take a picture. That shit is the companies responsibility, NOT MINE.

This mentality people in society have if passing the buck off to people culture can go **** off. A company made the product then they are going to explain it. Pure and simple. A product such as a phone shouldn't be so complex to the point it becomes unusable and create this much grief for a consumer. So Inow seeking a lawyer to sue BLU because this issue goes way beyond the normal issues.

BLU is committing consumer fraud, along with several consumer rights violation and federal protection crimes. Consumers are protected by several laws that BLU and any company like BLU that pulls the same stunt. They've false advertise, they've sold an unusable phone, refuse to address any problems, even blacklist you when you call with problems (While not a crime or violation because of all the other violations, it's one more nail in their coffin).

I cannot get into the specifics of this but this all stems from the entire lack of actual user/instruction manual. On BLU's website they have this:

That is not in any way a user/instruction manual. It's filled with false statements, misrepresentations, and inaccuracies. Case in point, the notification bar is listed as the Google search bar. People try debating this but it's not a debate, in that manual they literally have the Google search bar itself labeled AS the actual notification bar. People tried using their own knowledge to counter argue that but that's what I'm talking about. regardless of what people know how to do, the manual still has it listed incorrectly and that's what this is about.

Due to BLU outright refusing to provide any instructions for their phones, it literally maked it impossible for anyone who purchased one to enjoy or do anything with it I will get into more details about specifics in another topic using videos showing a small portion of the problems.

BLU is a company called Bold Like Us:
Their Website BLU Products Bold Like Us

The device I'm referring to in this post is a Blue V91 which for some reason changed the name to BLU G91. That model phone of theirs doesn't even do 1/4 of the things it lists on the box.

I'm making videos I need for this case and will be posting them in a new topic as I make them.

For now if anyone has a BLU product and you want to sue them as well once this gets underway you might be able to be added as a defendant. But as for now this company needs to be held accountable and actually have a punishment applied which is what I intend to do.

I will try and keep people updated on what's going on with this.
Seems to me that a boycott campaign will be much more cost-effective than litigation... if you can find an attorney to take the case. By going nuclear on every social media channel, you'll quickly gain traction as more disgusted BLU owners lock arms with you and share your call to boycott. Once you hit a certain threshold of followers on all channels, start a campaign to call, email and snail mail BLU's headquarters. In any case, I hope your efforts bring about the desired outcome... which is a more user-friendly device and common-sense instructions.
When the users get tired and frustrated with using their devices, they will go elsewhere, and BLU devices will slowly disappear.

Let the free market take its course and watch what happens.

If I were you, and I'm not, I would have returned the device and gone elsewhere, letting the free market takes its course.
When the users get tired and frustrated with using their devices, they will go elsewhere, and BLU devices will slowly disappear.

Let the free market take its course and watch what happens.

If I were you, and I'm not, I would have returned the device and gone elsewhere, letting the free market takes its course.
And that right there is exactly why companies get away with the things they do, instead of people going after them and making them do what they're supposed to, people let them off the hook by running away.

I also don't get why people think getting a different phone or going to another company matters, because the problems I have apply to every phone regardless of model or company, there is still zero instructions, and the problems are still there, so switching or going elsewhere is not going to change a thing.

Every phone is the same exact way, the company false advertise the phone being able to do things it simply can't do, Apple is especially guilty of this.
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I don't think you'll have much luck suing them for giving poor instructions. But if you manage to pull it off, if you manage to win: Maybe companies will get scared enough to stop being lazy when it comes to writing instructions.
Almost every electronic item today comes with either a small non descript "user manual" or nothing but a web address to go to for instructions.

THAT is how technology has progressed and there is nothing you or I can do about it.

I agree with the relaxing, move on with your life, it is too short to be butting heads with corporations whom do not give a S*** !
When the users get tired and frustrated with using their devices, they will go elsewhere, and BLU devices will slowly disappear.

Let the free market take its course and watch what happens.

If I were you, and I'm not, I would have returned the device and gone elsewhere, letting the free market takes its course.

The free market means nothing in corporate-run times. The shareholders are all they listen to, not a few who stop buying. Heck, a lot of times the bad practice of one company bleeds over into others. Remember when Samsung made fun of Apple over not having a removable battery, headphone jack, and expandable storage only to remove all three shortly afterwards?

Sadly, there's nowhere for many of us to go. All the companies do the same crap. Or, as DankPods puts it, "the largest companies produce the worst crap!"

I want a modern Nokia N95 with sliding keypad and media controls, and I want WebOS to return. But ain't nothing I can do about it. The most interesting smartphone for myself is the Z Flip 4, but eh, I work with what I got.
I'm weighing in late here, but, Mike, I totally empathize with your frustration, and my suspicion is you got scammed. Or sometimes you just get a "lemon", which can happen with any product.

I went through this nonsense with the Jitterbug - the "perfect, easy-to-use" phone for seniors (old folks). I bought it as my first mobile phone, and had nothing but problems with it. I read the directions carefully, but some features just did not work. The Jittterbug people were very nice with phone support, I must admit. But after talking with and following instructions from a kind phone rep, even HE concluded I'd just gotten a defective product. He offered to replace it for no charge, but I graciously declined! I went instead for a more challenging Samsung Galaxy phone, which I'm still trying to figure out lol. But I love it anyway!
I would love to hear a follow up to your woes with the Blu phone, if you're still visiting here.
I'm weighing in late here, but, Mike, I totally empathize with your frustration, and my suspicion is you got scammed. Or sometimes you just get a "lemon", which can happen with any product.

I went through this nonsense with the Jitterbug - the "perfect, easy-to-use" phone for seniors (old folks). I bought it as my first mobile phone, and had nothing but problems with it. I read the directions carefully, but some features just did not work. The Jittterbug people were very nice with phone support, I must admit. But after talking with and following instructions from a kind phone rep, even HE concluded I'd just gotten a defective product. He offered to replace it for no charge, but I graciously declined! I went instead for a more challenging Samsung Galaxy phone, which I'm still trying to figure out lol. But I love it anyway!
I would love to hear a follow up to your woes with the Blu phone, if you're still visiting here.
I'm not saying the phone is broken, I'm saying because of lack of documentation which is supposed to explain to the buyer/user, everything the device can do/has in it, but how to access and use those features as well.

Let me give a prime example of the utter shit I'm talking about
A phones camera is not a scanner which means you cannot "SCAN" a qr code. So people saying use your phones camera to scan (Insert QR Code) is a false statement. All a camera on a phone does is take pictures/video. I literally went through a bunch of stores having the phones camera opened and holding over numerous bar codes and QR codes and nothing happened, So I took a picture of it. This has been the process with any phone I've picked up.

As far as I'm concerned, after constantly hearing/reading, SCAN (Insert code) with your phones camera, the more and more I'm convinced it's not a thing, because I've never once ever seen anything happen when having a phones camera aimed at a code. It literally doesn't do anything so the only other thing you can do is take a picture, but now all you have is pictures of codes.
well my z fold 4 has the qr code built into the camera. so it can scan automatically. your phone may not have it, but there are plenty of qr code scanner apps you can download.
well my z fold 4 has the qr code built into the camera. so it can scan automatically. your phone may not have it, but there are plenty of qr code scanner apps you can download.
I'm confused about a few things because your reply isn't quite accurate.
1. What does you have a QR Code BUILT into your phone mean?
2. What do you mean by the QR code in your phone can scan automatically QR code isn't hardware and even if it was, hardware cannot scan itself
3. Software cannot alter hardware, a camera on a phone is a piece of hardware just like your flashlight.

Despite there are plenty of videos showing there are plenty of apps that uses the flashlight on a phone and turns it into a video projector, which isn't possible because there is no software that can change your flashlight into a projector, just like there is no software that can change your camera into a scanner.

Your camera is a lens not a laser and no software/app can change the hardware from a lens into a laser. Scanner is what you see at the checkout of a supermarket, it has to have a red laser in it in order to scan the camera lens in any phone doesn't have a red laser which is what's needed in order to scan, and no software can make the camera turn into a red laser.
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I'm confused about a few things because your reply isn't quite accurate.
1. What does you have a QR Code BUILT into your phone mean?
2. What do you mean by the QR code in your phone can scan automatically QR code isn't hardware and even if it was, hardware cannot scan itself
3. Software cannot alter hardware, a camera on a phone is a piece of hardware just like your flashlight.

Despite there are plenty of videos showing there are plenty of apps that uses the flashlight on a phone and turns it into a video projector, which isn't possible because there is no software that can change your flashlight into a projector, just like there is no software that can change your camera into a scanner.

Your camera is a lens not a laser and no software/app can change the hardware from a lens into a laser. Scanner is what you see at the checkout of a supermarket, it has to have a red laser in it in order to scan the camera lens in any phone doesn't have a red laser which is what's needed in order to scan, and no software can make the camera turn into a red laser.
1. i can just open up my camera app(samsung) and point at a qr code. my camera will autodetect this and a popup will ask to open up the link in my browser.
2. see number one
3. its not altering hardware. its an app that can "scan"

not sure what videos you are watching that turns a flashlight into a projector. and you are right. a projector is all hardware. do you have a link to the video as an example. never heard of such a thing.

lasers? no. scanning does not have to do with just lasers. you can take a picture of something and it will scan for a qr code or it can take the picture and convert it to something else. like for example: there is an app called camscanner. now this is not like a scanner like on a printer or supermarket(in your example). but it will take a picture and create a pdf file. its great for saving or copying documents right onto your phone.:

and my post was quite accurate. you just did not understand it.....lol;)
I seriously wish QR codes would go the way of CueCat. die. they're everywhere, shoved in your face and even on billboards (I wish I were kidding) and I fail to see why anyone would blindly scan those things like they were scrounging for quarters. Imagine the app clutter? I only use a smartphone for three things these days but I'm very old fashioned. But I seriously hate QR code clutter--it's like ads in real life at this point. Imagine the day AR becomes reality (cringy dystopia) then your eyes will ultimately be assaulted with ads and QR codes.

Yet another solution in search of a problem. If people want an app bad enough, they search for it in the app store or Google Play store or dare I say it, download the APK file and sideload it. QR codes are the same lame concept that CueCat tried and failed. The craziest implentation I've noticed is that I'm seeing QR codes on freaking capacitors. There's literally three QR codes on the outside condenser unit for the HVAC. One is stamped on the fan blade, another on top of the compressor. Does Rheem honestly and seriously expect folks to just pull out a smartphone and scan a freaking fan blade? Have we truly stooped that low as a species?
1. i can just open up my camera app(samsung) and point at a qr code. my camera will autodetect this and a popup will ask to open up the link in my browser.
2. see number one
3. its not altering hardware. its an app that can "scan"

not sure what videos you are watching that turns a flashlight into a projector. and you are right. a projector is all hardware. do you have a link to the video as an example. never heard of such a thing.

lasers? no. scanning does not have to do with just lasers. you can take a picture of something and it will scan for a qr code or it can take the picture and convert it to something else. like for example: there is an app called camscanner. now this is not like a scanner like on a printer or supermarket(in your example). but it will take a picture and create a pdf file. its great for saving or copying documents right onto your phone.:

and my post was quite accurate. you just did not understand it.....lol;)
Only laser's can scan (See the checkout devices at any store) you're saying an app can magically transform your camera lens into a laser which is false. That's the same exact thing as saying a flashlight can be turned into a projector by using an app. it's simply not true because an app cannot modify hardware which is what you're saying with the scanning.

BTW here is one of many ads that show that:

Here is another:

As you can see your flashlight is no more a projector, than your camera is a laser. There is no app that can make either of those do something it cannot do. The only possible way you can get a camera to scan is to modify the hardware itself to be able to do it. Something that an app is incapable of doing.

BTW QR codes have been around since 1995. They originated in China
ok so i call bs on that youtube video. the app is no longer on the play store. you can find it on some apk file sharing sites. but the description merely promotes the app as "Mobile projector big screen photo maker allows you to create beautiful Face projector photo Frames with this “Mobile Projector Big Screen Photo Editor” app and get amazing photos. Everyone get surprised with this awesome look." also comments on the video has been turned off. you know why? because that video is complete bs.

ok maybe scanning is not the right term for you. how about this, my camera can look for things before it takes a picture. one of the things it can "look" for is qr codes so lets say i am at Best Buy and i am considering the Galaxy Watch6. i can just point the camera at a qr code and a link from the code will popup and i can then launch my browser that will display info about the Watch 6......no lasers.

my camera before i take the photo can sense faces. it will automatically focus on the face. it does not have lasers to "scan" for a face.

basically forget the word "scan". it does not mean what you think it means.
ok so i call bs on that youtube video. the app is no longer on the play store. you can find it on some apk file sharing sites. but the description merely promotes the app as "Mobile projector big screen photo maker allows you to create beautiful Face projector photo Frames with this “Mobile Projector Big Screen Photo Editor” app and get amazing photos. Everyone get surprised with this awesome look." also comments on the video has been turned off. you know why? because that video is complete bs.
Of course it's BS that's what I said and why I brought it up.
I find fascinating is that somehow the flashlight being turned into an unrelated piece of hardware via an app is BS, but the camera being turned into a scanner via an app is somehow legitimate???
You cannot have an app turn a piece of hardware into another piece of hardware.

basically forget the word "scan". it does not mean what you think it means.
When it comes to barcodes and such, Scanning only has one meaning.
what kinda Best Buy you got there? Ours still lists the specs and such about all tiers of Galaxy Watch 6. No QR code or phone needed, or eye strain from staring at a screen. however, i'm far happier with my mechanical '60s watch. Amazing tech...never needs a battery even!

at one time, even our TV Remotes never needed batteries. they just used tuning forks. i'd love to find some way of using that with a modern set.
Of course it's BS that's what I said and why I brought it up.
I find fascinating is that somehow the flashlight being turned into an unrelated piece of hardware via an app is BS, but the camera being turned into a scanner via an app is somehow legitimate???
You cannot have an app turn a piece of hardware into another piece of hardware.

basically forget the word "scan". it does not mean what you think it means.
When it comes to barcodes and such, Scanning only has one meaning.
now i think you are just trying to argue for the sake of arguing.

camscanner is legit. it will turn your photos into pdf files. so i can take a picture of a contract that i want a copy of. i can then use camscanner to turn it into a pdf file onto my phone. there is no additional hardware needed.

and why mention the flashlight scam? there are tons of bs on the interwebs. you just need to know how to spot them.. if you knew this why did i waste my time arguing about it? please if yoiu know something is bs why bring it up?

yeah but scanning a qr code is not needed. it really is not scanning according to your terms of what scanning .....needing a laser and all.

again just forget the word scanning, because your phone and my phone do not have lasers. it uses your caamer which is "trained" to look for qr codes. it has software that converts the code into a weblink. you then select the link and your browser will open and go to that link.

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what kinda Best Buy you got there? Ours still lists the specs and such about all tiers of Galaxy Watch 6. No QR code or phone needed, or eye strain from staring at a screen. however, i'm far happier with my mechanical '60s watch. Amazing tech...never needs a battery even!

at one time, even our TV Remotes never needed batteries. they just used tuning forks. i'd love to find some way of using that with a modern set.
i do not know, i was just using it as an example. i have seen QR codes at Best Buy before.....lol
now i think you are just trying to argue for the sake of arguing.

camscanner is legit. it will turn your photos into pdf files. so i can take a picture of a contract that i want a copy of. i can then use camscanner to turn it into a pdf file onto my phone. there is no additional hardware needed.

any why mention the flashlight scam? there are tons of bs on the interwebs. you just need to know how to spot them.. if you knew this why did i waste my time arguing about it? please if yoiu know something is bs why bring it up?

yeah but scanning a qr code is not needed. it really is not scanning according to your terms of what scanning .....needing a laser and all.

again just forget the word scanning, because your phone and my phone do not have lasers. it uses your caamer which is "trained" to look for qr codes. it has software that converts the code into a weblink. you then select the link and your browser will open and go to that link.

Sorry but you cannot ignore the word SCAN as if it doesn't exist, because a QR code is nothing but an odd shaped barcode, which requires a LASER in order to read just like any other barcode at a register, it uses a laser in order to be able to read. So without a laser, it cannot read a barcode it's impossible. A phones camera doesn't have a laser in it, so there is no way you can take an app and make it read barcodes it's not possible.

If the camera can scan using an app, then the flashlight can become a projector with an app as well. It's the same exact concept.

This is what I cannot stand with people in general when it comes to a discussion like this, this is exactly like arguing with a math teacher who shows you something, then when you do exactly what they did and show it doesn't work, they say you didn't do exactly what they did which is a load of shit.
What he is doing is cherry picking how he wants the argument to apply instead of accepting it as an all or nothing.
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Sorry but you cannot ignore the word SCAN as if it doesn't exist, because a QR code is nothing but an odd shaped barcode, which requires a LASER in order to read.

If the camera can scan using an app, then the flashlight can become a projector with an app as well. It's the same exact concept.
again no it does not require a laser. qr codes are different. most barcodes has to be read in one direction, top to bottom....while qr codes are read top to bottom and left to right.

here let Kaspersky tell you what a qr code is, how it works, how a phone SCANS it, and the dangers of qr codes:

please take the time to read it. and as you read it, you will note that Kaspersky uses the word "scan" a lot. so please don't take my word for it....well you do not anyways.....lol. But at least take the word of Kaspersky who are leaders in terms of computer security. they are experts in handling virus and anything malicious.
FYI lasers were traditionally used to scan UPC type barcodes, usually in supermarkets.

In fact you probably can't user a laser type scanner for QRs, which have to see the whole image.
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