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Nov 17, 2013
I loaded jpeg files from my computer to my SD card and discovered the images are ordered on my phone in a weird way: 1.0, 10.1, 100.1, 101.1, etc. The correct should be: 1.1, 2.1, 3.1...10.1...100.1... What's going on? Is there anything I can do to correct the ordering on my phone? I don't want to rename hundreds of files just for my phone?
Sorry, I don't understand. My computer has no problem ordering files numerically. If it couldn't, I would have never used my system of listing files as 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, etc. in the first place. The problem is when I moved the files based on this system to my smartphone. Is there any way my phone can understand how I want to order my files, as my computer does, or is there no way to adjust for this? Thanks again.
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