How did you maintain categories?
I didn't, at least not in any 'automatic' way.
1. I exported the individual memos within a category in Phatnotes, as individual text files, into a folder on my laptop. Did some editing at this stage to remove superfluous Phatnote labels & descriptors from each note.
2. I then linked up the Hero to the laptop and copied over that folder on to the SD card in the Hero. Then dismounted the SD card so they would show up in the Win Explorer listing
3. I then created a folder in NE Pro with the same name as the category had been in Phatnotes.
4. I then, whilst in that new folder in NE Pro, used the 'mass import' feature to import the individual text files from the SD card into NE Pro.
5. Tadaaa! they all appeared instantaneously in the folder in NE Pro utilising the file name of each memo file as the note title.
So ...... a bit clumsy & 'mandraulic' but it worked and once I got into the swing if things it was fairly painless for 150 or so individual notes.
@jeffdlb ...... afraid I have no scripting or programming skills but it's the sort of neat utility that could benefit many in Android land ........ I could see potential for a
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