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Importing Palm Memos - surely this can be done??

I can imagine! :p

I've been looking at Mobile Write (because there's an Android version of it), and I must say ... I like TealScript so much better (disclaimer: I have ...

Oh, and welcome to the group! :D

Holy cow, my wish has already been granted. Mobile Write for Android? Cool.

I'd never heard of TealScript, but I did purchase the TealOS for my Treo before they had to pull it, and I really like(d) it.

Thanks for the welcome. Now I'm dying to get the phone and start tinkering!
The current "free" version of NoteEverything now supports import of Palm memos. It doesn't make much mention of it (and I'm about ready for some of these developers to give us some good documentation) but people are using it.

I can't come up with a link right now, but I'm pretty sure that I stumbled across a Tealscript Android app online somewhere. There's one app called "Shapewriter" in the marketplace, but MobileWriter is presently my choice. I contacted the developer, and asked him to change the screen layout / entry area a bit, and he got right back to me, and said he'd probably do that fairly soon. He's also working on the kind of word suggestion / spellcheck thing that the default onscreen QWERTY keyboard has.

I've had wierd things going on with Marketplace search, so if you can't find it, try an hour later and/or search for another "mobile" or "writer" app, and after a few minutes it may show up in the displayed list.
Hi folks,
yup another ex Palm user who has turned to Android. I tried a symbian device for a while but missed the friendly PDA-ness of PalmOS.

I also used to develop Palm applications and no doubt will be wanting to export various lumps of data from Palm days into suitable formats for Android...Still havent found anythgin that handles memos like I would like....

I 'm looking for some little fun coding projects, so if you have some Palm data you'd desperately like let me know and if I get some time I'll put some little converters together.
Still havent found anythgin that handles memos like I would like....

Again, Note Everything did this for me flawlessly. I had something like 150 or 200 memos on my Treo 680, and Note Everything not only brought them all in, it retained the categories and made them "folders."

The only glitch I encountered was that Note Everything double-spaced all the notes.
Again, Note Everything did this for me flawlessly. I had something like 150 or 200 memos on my Treo 680, and Note Everything not only brought them all in, it retained the categories and made them "folders."

The only glitch I encountered was that Note Everything double-spaced all the notes.

I encountered the same problem when I imported all my Palm memos into Note Everything, but I found a solution. Evidently (probably due to Android being based on Linux), NE expects text files to be in Unix ASCII format, rather than DOS ASCII (DOS ASCII uses CR+LF to terminate a line, whereas Unix ASCII only uses LF). Try opening your exported CSV file in a text editor that understands the different ASCII file formats (EditPlus works great for me, but I believe NotePad+ might work as well), and convert it to Unix-style ASCII. Or, if you have access to a Linux or Unix machine, you can copy the CSV file to that, and use 'dos2unix' or 'tr' to convert it. Save, and re-import the CSV file, and it should remove all that double-spacing.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the info. Unfortunately (or fortunately, I guess) I was tickled enough with just being able to import everything, so I left everything as-was. Every time I open an old note that's double-spaced, I just make it a point to delete the extra CRs. Eventually they'll all be done.
Hi folks,
yup another ex Palm user who has turned to Android. I tried a symbian device for a while but missed the friendly PDA-ness of PalmOS.

I also used to develop Palm applications and no doubt will be wanting to export various lumps of data from Palm days into suitable formats for Android...Still havent found anythgin that handles memos like I would like....

I 'm looking for some little fun coding projects, so if you have some Palm data you'd desperately like let me know and if I get some time I'll put some little converters together.

Jont, not sure this is what you are looking for for fun, but I am going to switch from Palm to Android in about a week. I have found Android apps to replace most of my favorite Palm apps, except for ProfileMD, which I use to track my own and my wife's medical & dental appointments, allergies, etc. I am hoping I can find a replacement app once I have access to easily search the Android Market. But if you have any ideas how I can transition this data to Android, I'd be grateful.

Also, I will need a way to convert my data from MyCar to Acar, and from Yaps to a password keeper on Android.

Jont, not sure this is what you are looking for for fun, but I am going to switch from Palm to Android in about a week. I have found Android apps to replace most of my favorite Palm apps, except for ProfileMD, which I use to track my own and my wife's medical & dental appointments, allergies, etc. I am hoping I can find a replacement app once I have access to easily search the Android Market. But if you have any ideas how I can transition this data to Android, I'd be grateful.

Also, I will need a way to convert my data from MyCar to Acar, and from Yaps to a password keeper on Android.


You don't have to wait for your new Android phone to search the Market, there's several websites that you can use to search it from your desktop. My favorite is appbrain.com; androlib.com is another.

I can't help you with ProfileMD, nor with MyCar, but I'm currently using KeePassDroid as my password keeper. I use KeePass on all my Windows machines, and I can just copy the KP file to my Nexus One's SD card to synchronize with it with KeePassDroid.

I am very new to Android (Desire) from Palm T5.

I have NE on my Desire but the memos are on my XP computer - doesn't work on Win 7.

Can I do a direct Desire - PC import with NE or do I have to put NE on the computer.

I know this is simple, just not simple enough for me.
A one line answer will really help I think.

I am very new to Android (Desire) from Palm T5.

I have NE on my Desire but the memos are on my XP computer - doesn't work on Win 7.

Can I do a direct Desire - PC import with NE or do I have to put NE on the computer.

I know this is simple, just not simple enough for me.
A one line answer will really help I think.


There's no way to put Note Everything on your PC -- it's for Android only. If you're using the Palm Desktop on your computer, then your memos show up in Palm Desktop's Memos (or Notes... I forget which).

I believe you just connect the phone to the computer, mount the SD card, run the importer on Note Everything and they'll show up on your phone. I converted mine 7 months ago, and I don't recall having to do anything more than that.
Thanks for the info. Unfortunately (or fortunately, I guess) I was tickled enough with just being able to import everything, so I left everything as-was. Every time I open an old note that's double-spaced, I just make it a point to delete the extra CRs. Eventually they'll all be done.

has anyone tried the subfolder function on note everything (v3.0.1 on droid x)?
it seems like its got alot of potential, but it doesnt show the subfolder in the list of notes under a parent folder. anyone else tried this function?

thanks in advance.

ps, nice to find other long time palm users.
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