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Help Inconsistent upload speeds?

I use my Moto Droid to record vlogs and upload them to a Youtube account. I've been doing this for a while. Within the past few days I have been using a Video to Facebook app to also upload the videos to Facebook.

I have noticed a HUGE difference in upload speeds between youtube and facebook. For example, I just recorded a 1 minute video at 3.76mb in size. I uploaded it to YouTube and then immediately uploaded it to Facebook. I timed both. The youtube upload took 53 seconds while the Facebook upload took only 12 seconds!

I don't understand what the difference is. Same file, same size, same conditions. That is, except for the app used to do the transferring.

Now I can get more to my point.

I always thought the slow uploads to Youtube were a limitation caused by my device or network. However, now I know that it is not the case. It is now clear to me that the device is certainly capable of much faster transfers. Why then, are uploads to YouTube SOOOO much slower?

Is there a way I can increase my upload speed to Youtube? I'm currently using the Droid's built in YT sharing feature for uploading. I was unable to find another app on the market that will upload to Youtube.
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