For quite some time now, I have wondered if a government issued "Internet ID" is a good idea. Then I read all the odd posts from mild to reasonable to completely nut-ball about how 'they' (feel free to define "them" or "they") are somehow looking for control and I take a step back and wonder. Then I consider that we already have one such number, our SSN.
My DL license is unique to me as is my Amateur Radio Call. So again, I seek guidance and ask why this is such a bad idea or perhaps what key information am I missing?
If we had a unique ID number for our Internet use, I am not so sure that is a bad idea. I can't begin to fathom how it will protect us because we hear about ID theft so apparently, we can't control who gets to see our various IDs like CC numbers or how they are used (misused) by those that seek to harm us.
Perhaps it should be like the Trusted Certificates someone else mentioned. Perhaps it should/could be mathematically derived from some combination of our SSN and DL license number and state ID. Seems to me the SSN and DL number can be mashed together to produce a unique number that is then used to generate our INet ID.
There is no reason to believe that "they" will protect our number. And if it is a number that is used all over the place, it is clear that within a few years, it will not really matter because it seems to be that not every site we visit will take care of our number.
I am not sure it will come to pass, however. It speaks loudly of Big Brother and even those that do not know who BB is, they think it is bad.
So gathered gang of mine, are you set in your opinion of this (possibly) Internet ID number or do a few of you think it might not be such a bad idea without further discussion? Reasons pro and con.
Bob Maxey