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Root Infection - AOSP with working bluetooth


Well-Known Member
Neo over at xda has a working AOSP Rom with working bluetooth. I haven't had time to flash yet, but looks promising! I just thought I'd share over here for those that have been waiting. If you flash and like, let me know your thoughts. I'm concerned about only ad-hoc tethering as I may need tethering to my iPad next week while traveling.

I'm on Rage right now and tether works so I would probably use that. Neo's roms are great. I'm flashing Infection today, I want bluetooth calling, not so much a need for tether.
i havent tried infection,but i am on wildstang's pure cm build: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2113140

BT does in fact work,tho no tether,but i dont so much a need for that,either.

sometimes the wall paper disapears,ive had a couple launcher crashes,and sometimes its a tad glitchy(when scrolling,etc.) and not perfectly smooth,but its overall stable and everything works except record video in portrait mode. ive been using it friday.

ive gotten a couple of PMs from obscuro,who is also a fan of neos roms,hes had good things to say about it. :)
I have been waiting to root my Rezound (had it for a year now) until I saw that there was a rom with working bluetooth calling since I use that in my car. Yesterday I flashed Infection with the help of Scotty's guide and I really like it so far. BT seems to work perfectly however I was not able to get the tether to work. I might use the tether in the future with my Nexus 7 so I hope that is worked out soon.
I used Infection all day today and it was great. Bluetooth calling works. The animations are kinda weird though.
That's why I try to stick with sense based ROM's. Widgets are better and cameras better and also making calls during in the call sound a lot better too. Check out the mik mik forums 4 sense based roms
Just wanted to let everyone know INFECTION has been updated and now native tether is working! This is the only rom I have used but I have no complaints.
Just wanted to let everyone know INFECTION has been updated and now native tether is working! This is the only rom I have used but I have no complaints.

I also installed INFECTION yesterday, I like it a lot. Didn't realize how much I missed working bluetooth until I got it back! Looking forward to the Tron 2.0 update that's supposed to come out soon!
I updated to Infection 2.0 and I am really happy with it. This is the only rom I have used however. I was happy with the first version as well but of course the tethering did not work in the first version also I had to turn off location services in the first version because it was running my battery down really quick. I have been able to leave location services on in 2.0 though and my battery life is better than it ever was with stock.. getting maybe 16 hours on light to moderate usage when I was getting maybe 10-11 hours on stock.
I believe I read that 2.1 just fixed the issue where it split text messages if they were more than 160 characters and there was a separate update you could do that would fix that in 2.0. I rarely make texts over 160 characters so I didn't bother updating that.
Correct, 2.1 just fixes the messaging app from splitting texts longer than 160 char. I have been running it since it released. I'm very happy with it. I did have one time that the phone wouldn't boot right and I had to wipe and start over, but I think that was my fault. I was installing a bunch of new apps and I think one didn't get along.

Supposedly Tron 2.0 should release tomorrow. I plan to flash that asap as it looks very nice, just fyi
Are they still using the same camera app,
Also there was an issue during making a call that while you were in a call you could hear your own echo has that been fixed or is that still an issue I don't really know what are the issues are present in these new ROMs
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