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I don't live in a metropolitan area. Although I live in a suburb of Cincinnati, it seems that this game is meant to be played in a city/urban area. I feel dumb walking around trying to follow a compass on my phone seeking out portals that really don't exist but you can see on your phone (but no one else can see them). I feel like I am schizophrenic. Talking to myself, seeing things that aren't really there.

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so i JUST got my google MAXX (finallllly) and ingress is actually pretty sweet, just made it through the tutorial so i will have to see more of what it offers but this will be fun while walking around... a good idea for a "side" game

Congratulations! :D

Glad you're "officially" a Maxx owner. Enjoy!
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I've messed with it a little bit (in Cincinnati too, no less), but haven't really gotten far. The portals that pop up on the scanner are usually 2-3km away, and I usually don't have time to go that far out of my way just to try and get one. I did managed to fill up my XM reserves simply by leaving it running while I drove to work this morning. What good that will do me, I have no idea...
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I was a pretty hardcore Ingress player for several months and attained max level on my Bionic (level 8). Recently I had taken a hiatus for about a month, but after I bought the Maxx I got curious about the Droid-only perks, which has started to pull me back in again (insert Michael Corleone reference here). It can be a really fun game, especially if you live in an area with lots of portals (read: urban or suburban) and if you are willing to meet other players in your local area. If anyone has questions about Ingress I will be happy to answer, either in this thread or via PM. I also have a ton of invites (although in this forum that should not be an issue).
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I'm on the cusp of attaining Level 5 after well under two weeks of playing. I'm having a ton of fun with this game. Regarding Ingress eating battery, here you go... I did this last night as I romped and stomped around Brownsburg, Clermont, and the far West side of Indianapolis LOL:

I think everyone can agree that this is some pretty impressive battery performance. You can see a very brief stint on the charging pad when I stopped at my office. Other than that, I hammered the Maxx.


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I'm trying to play it, but most week days I really don't differ from my normal routine too much (home->work->pick up son from day care->home), and there are only a few portals I pass those days and they're all pretty high level, so about all I can do is hack them on my way be and collect my 100 points. Needless to say, this makes leveling pretty slow and tedious. Any suggestions on how to do it any faster?
Fortunately, since it's Friday, I can try to get out to a few different areas this weekend and see what I can find!
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I'm trying to play it, but most week days I really don't differ from my normal routine too much (home->work->pick up son from day care->home), and there are only a few portals I pass those days and they're all pretty high level, so about all I can do is hack them on my way be and collect my 100 points. Needless to say, this makes leveling pretty slow and tedious. Any suggestions on how to do it any faster?
Fortunately, since it's Friday, I can try to get out to a few different areas this weekend and see what I can find!

Another thing you can do is submit portals along your commute route. Landmarks, churches, locally-owned businesses, artwork, statues, murals, etc. all work. You can submit from within the scanner app now and you get AP and a key if your submission goes through. Plus then you will have portals to flip and hack on your way to work/day care!
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any opinions on disabling this App? I get a nasty warning that disabling a built-in app may cause others to "misbehave".

I had fired it up once and created an acct but have no intention of playing game. I cleared cache/data but wondering about disabling given comments about battery hog, etc.


That warning is a generic message that pops up when disabling any system app. Since no other apps depend on Ingress, you shouldn't have any issues disabling it. You would only have issues if you disable an app that is a dependency of another app -- for instance, if you disable the Weather app, the Droid Command Center will malfunction because it depends on the Weather app for its weather functionality. (Of course, if you don't use the Droid Command Center, you could just disable them both.) ;)
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