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insufficient storage: re-partition disussions


Well-Known Member
Great information Scary Alien very important as well, everyone has to pay attention to there device's storage capacity, and how much space has been consumed, like in example the Samsung Galaxy series;if storage capacity reaches a certain limit, it could sometimes hang at the Samsung logo at boot and even possibly loop;although simply removing the sd micro card mainly fixes that problem, but if storage space is still a unavoidable issue due to device model,Here's a little back up solution if all else fails and may not work for all devices do to the fact of the device needs to be rooted if it is simply download mini partition wizard for pc back up everything on your sd card then place it in a usb sd micro card reader, unzip mini wizard and run it,Right Click on your SD-Card and delete all partitions
Now you have to do some calculations-See the Size of your SD-Card for example it is of 3.70 GB-Now decide how much space you want for your second partition on which all applications will be installed for example 1 GB-Now minus your selected size from Total Space for example:
3.7 - 1 = 2.7 GB-This is the size of your first partition on which all your data such as songs, images and other stuff will go that is the real SD-Card space Now create a new partition, select it as "Primary" and give it the space you calculated for example 2.7 GB. If the size is less than 2 GB then select "FAT" file system and if more then select "FAT32" for example here I will select "FAT32" for 2.7 GB


You will have your remainnig space which you decided before for example 1 GB. Select this all and then create a new partition as "Primary" again, select file system "ext2" and give label name as "sd-ext"-i know it says ext3;but it will not function properly unless you pick ext2,


Now click Ok and click Apply and wait for it to complete.
Copy all your SD-Card data back to the SD-Card and remove the card.
Your SD-Card is now ready for you to use.
Download at the Google playstore move to sd.apk
When opened it ask which partition is the extra partition on sd card, choose ext2
Now your device should be set up and ready to use your sd micro card as its internal memory,and thanks again Scary Alien for opening this low disk space awareness session,spot on!
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Thanks for that, @ThePhizzle :).

I highlighted the text in your post above to reinforce that option is for select, rooted devices that (I assume) have true external SD cards (lemme know if that's not right).

Sorry if I was a bit unclear with my explanation it was mainly to help those who have internal storage memory of about 2 to 4gb so they too can enjoy the finer apks there is in the Google Play Store, sorry I've only been certified for about a month,forgive me if I was out of the line with my tutorial if so feel free to edit my post out,
Sorry if I was a bit unclear with my explanation it was mainly to help those who have internal storage memory of about 2 to 4gb so they too can enjoy the finer apks there is in the Google Play Store, sorry I've only been certified for about a month,forgive me if I was out of the line with my tutorial if so feel free to edit my post out,

Oh, not at all--I was just wanting to make sure the non-rooted folks didn't think that re-partitioning would help them :).

We've seen soooo many members post with this same issue and the vast majority are not rooted, so I didn't want them to get their hopes up since they didn't have the root options in their back pocket :).

Cheers and thanks!
Thank you, I too was worried that I may have been a little bit misleading as I try to angle my conversations to aid both rooted and non-rooted users and don't always remember to put an " attention be advised!" warning at the beginning of my 12day development seminars, plus,It was recently bought to my attention by my once highly esteemed colleague MasterChief87 that though despite having been born and raised California all my life;My spelling and grammar is quite atrocious,and really do appreciate everyone for bearing with me i swear im only here to try and assist people, thanks Scary Alien for clearing that up for me;i kind of sidetracked and foolishly lost my spot in the conversation. See you all around the Forums!
Just wanted to ad my last thought and not simple that but my last seven months experience in regards to the REPARTITION METHOD..
So I did that repartition with the Minitools & Link2sdcard about seven months ago..it always worked fine..but some where (don't remember where..if in here or another forum..maybe in the Developers one..) I've read some one saying that doing that method your Phone(notate that Phone is in caps..lol) will become a WALKING DEAD..I experience that first hand about two weeks ago..my Phone went in a eternal and sudden loop..my Phone dropped dead!!!..it never revived..I had to change the mother board..and the circuits..
Now I am using a totally different method to partition the internal storage..and it works like a charm..this method apparently is just available for Hercules..but you can look it up on each Phone version..it gave me from 2gb system storage to 8gb..


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Even though it isn't the first time the 500mb allocation topic is been issued..but it starts making more sense every time is being explained..you know I said recently I partitioned my system storage from 2gb to 8gb(not with the sd card)..and every since I did that..my google play store is fully functional(like never ever did since I have a very aged Galaxy S2 Hercules)..before that was a total useless..with infinite force to close and all kind of other pup ups..it was just there in my phone but couldn't do any thing with it..couldn't download any thing from or with it..so YES!!!, the short space on the system storage affects not just the ability to up date or install certain number of apps but also the functionality and stability it self..wow!!!, that really is something..
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Yes sorry I'm late,what I was genuinely insinuating was if your internal sd was a 8gb and lower capacity you can portion out an sd card of your choice;not quite sure what the size limit is up to,but I know it works on a 32gb;to emulate the internal memory that stores installed apk,but in no way increases your devices actual internal memory storage space,but helps those riddled with that pesky nuisance 3-4gb miscellaneous system data folder that eats away your internal storage space and some cases cannot be removed,or is needed is what is said,so sorry again if to have caused any confusion,to everyone good health and good luck!

This is basically the resume in live of everything explained above..(in regards to the repartition)..this guy explains it so well and so crystal clear in his tutorial!!!

Sorry Xavier Black,I wish I could take credit for those notes but those instruction notes belong to a fellow program developer by the name of RaHBeR
He deserves the credit for the hard work put into these instruction,the only thing that I had a part in was when choosing ext3 had to be changed to ext2 otherwise you would have to restart the whole process again at the beginning,and if you continued to try and partition your sd card with ext3,you would be in for a frustrating loop.
But even the most advanced developer need his fellow colleagues to give him guidance for that he may too pass on his research to help others and make a better today,for a more enlightened tomorrow,that is what I like to believe is getting accomplished in this field of work,that way everyone has wisdom,and knowledge at the palm of there hands...That and funny cat videos!hehe.
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Even though it isn't the first time the 500mb allocation topic is been issued..but it starts making more sense every time is being explained..you know I said recently I partitioned my system storage from 2gb to 8gb(not with the sd card)..and every since I did that..my google play store is fully functional(like never ever did since I have a very aged Galaxy S2 Hercules)..before that was a total useless..with infinite force to close and all kind of other pup ups..it was just there in my phone but couldn't do any thing with it..couldn't download any thing from or with it..so YES!!!, the short space on the system storage affects not just the ability to up date or install certain number of apps but also the functionality and stability it self..wow!!!, that really is something..
That and outdated hardware...it becomes outdated every 6-7 months these days.
Even if you flashed your older device with a more updated firmware,it could still only reach a certain potential before the outdated hardware fails to keep up with the more high powered,battery draining,up-to-date firmwre,thats about the time we thank our ol' pal SG2,shut them down,and let them get the rest they well deserve,and go nd get well acquainted with the SG2 newest addition to the the family tree SG7,because trust me my friend...theres only so much modifying your old model devices can do for it before it reaches it's limitations.
Even though it isn't the first time the 500mb allocation topic is been issued..but it starts making more sense every time is being explained..you know I said recently I partitioned my system storage from 2gb to 8gb(not with the sd card)..and every since I did that..my google play store is fully functional(like never ever did since I have a very aged Galaxy S2 Hercules)..before that was a total useless..with infinite force to close and all kind of other pup ups..it was just there in my phone but couldn't do any thing with it..couldn't download any thing from or with it..so YES!!!, the short space on the system storage affects not just the ability to up date or install certain number of apps but also the functionality and stability it self..wow!!!, that really is something..
Here's what I've found,remember to alway make a backup recovery just in case...
Background Info:
The Galaxy S IIby default allocates only 2GB to the /datapartition. This partition is used for all app installations and their associated data. Unfortunately, 2GB is completely insufficient by today's standard, and thephoneoften runs out of storage space for app installations quickly (my wife's T989 for example was not even able to receive app updates anymore due to low memory errors). The problem is further compounded by the fact that many custom Kitkat (or later) ROMs do not include a "Move to SD Card" feature for app management (though this can be circumvented by using an utility such as Link2SD), so many users are stuck with a very limited number of apps on their T989.

On the other hand, the phonehas over 11GB allotted for the internal SD partition (which is not an actual SD card; this is part of the internal memory). Now, most of us have an external SD card, and don't really store much on the internal SD. So to me it is rather silly to have only 2GB of space in the /data partition for apps (which is what the internal memory should be for!) while the internal SD partition just sits around with over 11GB of space.

What a Re-Partition Does:
Re-Partitioning the internal memory of the phonerelocates the available memory (16GB total) from one partition to another. In this specific case, we will be reducing the amount of memory allocated to the internal SD partition and increase the amount allocated to the /data partition.

Does re-partitioning have a high risk of bricking your device? Yes. But we actually won't be doing that much tinkering for the purpose of this guide, and it should be fairly safe (at least in my case, everything went smoothly). That said, I will not be responsible if you manage to brick your device because you didn't follow the steps carefully, do your research, or did something silly like using the included .pit file for a wrong model of Galaxy S II.

What You Will Need:
  • PIT Magic: Utility for editing the .pit file, which definesODIN: To upload the .pit file to your device and re-partition it.
  • The .pit file for Samsung SGH-T989 (see attached).
For your convenience, if you do not want to mess around with the .pit phone. But the file structure is the same for our device).
#00 100MB SMD_HDR (partition info)
#01 500KB SBL1 sbl1.mbn
#02 1500KB SBL2 sbl2.mbn
#03 1KB (unnamed partition with '55 AA' MBR signature)
#04 500KB RPM rpm.mbn
#05 2MB SBL3 sbl3.mbn
#06 2500KB ABOOT aboot.mbn
#07 10MB BOOT boot.img
#08 500KB TZ tz.mbn
#09 500KB SSD n/a (empty partition)
#10 500KB PIT celox.pit
#11 10MB PARAM param.lfs
#12 98MB MODEM amss.bin /system/etc/firmware/misc
#13 3MB MSM_ST1 efs.img
#14 3MB MSM_ST2 n/a
#15 3MB MSM_FSG n/a
#16 98MB MDM mdm.bin /system/etc/firmware/misc_mdm
#17 3MB M9K_EFS1 efsclear1.bin
#18 3MB M9K_EFS2 efsclear2.bin
#19 3MB M9K_FSG n/a
#20 10MB DEVENC enc.img.ext4 /efs
#21 10MB RECOVERY recovery.img
#22 3MB FOTA n/a
#23 598MB SYSTEM system.img.ext4 /system
#24 2GB USERDATA userdata.img.ext4 /data
#25 302MB CACHE cache.img.ext4 /cache
#26 129MB TOMBSTONES tomb.img.ext4 /tombstones
#27 11.2GB UMS ums.rfs /mnt/sdcard
  • The only entry you actually have to alter is #24. When you select it under PIT Entry List, you will see it listed with:
    • Block Size: 512
    • Block Count: 4,198,400
    Since each block is 512KB, that effectively results in 2,149,580,800 KB (2GB). Now, we want to increase this, so just enter a larger value in the "Block Count" field. For ease of calculations, I recommend simply using a multiple of the default value (so if you double the value, you get 4GB for the /data partition. Triple it and you get 6GB, and so on).
  • Now, what about the UMS (internal SD) partition? The short of the long is, you don't need to touch it (for our device). In the guide for the I9100 model, it mentioned having to adjust the value for the UMS partition manually - but if you view the UMS partition (#27 in the PIT Entry List), you will see that it's listed with the following attributes:
    • Block Size: 512
    • Block Count: 10
    Obviously, the UMS partition can't be only 5,120KB in size, so I presumed that our device automatically adjusts the size of the UMS partition based on available space. I turned out to be correct in my presumption.
  • WARNING: Do NOT change the values of any partition other than /data! If you alter the sizes of crucial system partitions (modem, etc.), it can seriously mess up your device. For safety, ONLY change the size of the /data partition as instructed.
  • After you have altered the value for the /data partition, save it as a new .pit file.
Flashing .PIT File Through ODIN:
  1. Boot your phone into Download Mode. For the T989, this is done by holding Vol+, Vol-, and Power button at the same time. You will see a warning message about custom ROM's. Press Vol+ to continue, then connect your phone to the PC via USB.
  2. Launch ODIN. Make sure device shows as connected (use a good USB cable!!!) Click the "PIT" button and select the modified .pit file. The checkbox for "Re-Partition" should automatically be checked when this happens.
  3. Click "Start", and ODIN will re-partition the memory on your device as specified by the .pit file.
  4. When ODIN is done, the device will automatically restart (unless you told ODIN not to do so). When this happens, hold the VOL+ key to boot into Recovery (the re-partition shouldn't have affected the Recovery partition, at least in my case it didn't. If it did somehow, you can just flash Recovery through ODIN).
  5. Now, in Recovery, you may notice a series of "Failed to mount/_____ (partition name)" errors. Don't worry - this is because the partition info has changed but they haven't been re-formated yet. You just have to manually re-format them. To do so, click "Wipe" --> "Advanced Wipe" --> "Repair or Change File System" --> "Select Partition to Repair or Format" --> "Change File System" --> "EXT4" (or F2FS, if your ROM and Recovery supports it). Note that you will have to do this individually for each of the partitions (when I tried to simply do a wipe of all the partitions, it resulted in errors). Make sure you do not use the "Repair" function, it won't work for this!
  6. After you have re-formatted all the partitions, you can now check the /data and /sdcard to make sure they are now the desired size (before you re-formatted the partitions, many of them will show 0MB for size; don't freak out. The correct size will show once re-formatted). If you have increased the size of the /data partition, the /sdcard partition should have received an automatic reduction in size.
After you have done the above steps, you can then proceed with ROM installation or recovery. Feel free to check the "Storage" info under System Settings to see if the partition sizes are correct.

(Left: Size of the /data partition on my T989.) (Right: Size of the /sdcardpartition on my T989.)

I Messed Up Somehow & My PhoneAppears To Be Bricked! What Should I Do???
Don't panic. Plenty of people have bricked their phones and recovered. Re-partitioning the phone's memory does NOT damage the hardware (I don't see how it could), so as long as ODIN can still detect your phone, you should be able to restore the original memory structure (flash the unmodified .pit file) and flash Recovery. If in doubt, ask for help.
Attached Files
T989_PIT_(Unmodified).zip - T989_PIT_(Modified,8GB).zip - thhank you for helping solve the problem developer -Lorien_Silmaril ,your a great asset to the technology team!
You are some kind of mind reader or something like that?!..lol..wow!!, that's exactly what I did since last year and still running in my phone..the con is that I think is what caused me two or three loops so far..and of course with its subsequent lost of everything since is just so much what you can back up..now I am afraid when the next loop is gonna occur..crossing my fingers it won't..what do you think is the reason?

Other than that yes!!!,, its a wonderful presidure and a big system storage capacity change..I don't get sudden shot offs or hiccups that kind any more..
Hey guys, I've carved your posts from the original Insufficient Storage thread over to here so as to keep the discussion in that thread mostly non root-related and non device-specific.

Your apps2sd and re-partition information is hugely helpful and relevant, but a likely a bit outside the target audience for the typical users that get/see the "insufficient storage" warning.


Hey guys, I've carved your posts from the original Insufficient Storage thread over to here so as to keep the discussion in that thread mostly non root-related and non device-specific.

Your apps2sd and re-partition information is hugely helpful and relevant, but a likely a bit outside the target audience for the typical users that get/see the "insufficient storage" warning.


Np Scary Alien I was just double checking I understood what modifications were made to the device to see how to avoid any boot loops and lend a hand to Mr.Black as to the cause of these terrible system data crashes.
Ok,I had a hunch but was under the impression of the compatibility of the kernel, and the reason for my notion came from having tweaked my samsung galaxy S2 epic 4G touch,it runs fine at first but once you install all your apps and the automatic updates kick in,it causes the kernel to overwork itself and try and keep up with the new allocated amount of partitioned memory causing it to fail and crash so in order to prevent a boot loop with the new amount of partitioned memory here's what I uncovered,
Fix Kernel Specific Boot Problems Guide
Note: The kernel Specified here is for S2 only, if you are S3 user, then Check http://www.gokhanmoral.com website and download OLD kernel for S3 phone. If your phone is neither s2 nor s3, try to check how to get your specific phone’s kernel to work around this method for you. Flashing wrong kernel caused you this troubles, do not repeat the same step again, flashing wrong variant Phone’s kernel now again. Now Download ODIN3 tool on your Windows PC and run it as Administrator… And now Download Old Working Kernel of your Flavor; Majority times, Siyah Kernel is the choice for Major users, so with them in mind, Download Old WorkingSiyah Kernel From here (Note: This is A Siyah Kernel Version 4 Released on September 8th, which worked for me, So i used the OLD kernel to get back my ROM Booted off from this Working Kernel. Now, start ODIN Tool and Be aware that Kies has to be taken down from Task manager and Put Your Phone into Download Mode and press Volume UP for confirmation. Then once the ODIN shows you the Port is identified by the tool, proceed to downloaded Siyah kernel from PDA select Menu in ODIN tool, Do not touch anything in the tool now and never… See the below Screenshot for precise Instructions and for Clarity. Once You See the ID:COM is Detected when your Phone is connected in Download Mode, then Message Box will tell you 0:x number is Detected and once assured, Select PDA only and tick mark it and Click on PDA and Go to Just downloaded Siyah Kernel and attach it to this PDA Menu (Note that the Kernel is in TAR Extension) And now Click on Start Button in the Control Panel located above the PIT option. And that’s it your Kernel will be Downgraded to a working Kernel and Your phone will Boot up Once finished. Happy Flashing! and Voila.. Thanks Chaladi. Credits: XDA developers, Siyah Kernel Mod, and Mighty Experimenting Android (De)buggers,please let me know if this is not the right solution to your problem, and I'll continue my research for the correct response✉
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