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[International / GSM] Root Sprint Nexus

is anyone else having trouble rooting the sprint nexus?
i was able to unlock it in fast boot and boot off of a boot.img file that has the super userapk installed but the su binary is missing and /system is still write protected.

additional info:
Host machine is running Arch Linux with the latest android SDK as of 4/21/12
Phone is the sprint galaxy nexus running 4.0.4
the boot.img i used was from Download GalaxyNexus/rooting/GalaxyNexusRoot.zip at DownloadAndroidROM.com

i am currently on my work computer with Win 7 but it is not communicating the the phone while it is in fast boot (refuses to install the drivers) but it will access the phone with adb

any info from anyone who was successful will be appreciated
I don't know if this is enough to solve the problem, but I did read elsewhere on the forums that the best way to force a Windows computer to install the correct drivers is to download PDAnet. You can delete it after, and I think it's a free trial or something anyway, but supposedly it will get your drivers sorted if you want to just use your work computer.

Beyond that, I quite frankly just don't know. I rooted my VZW Nexus back in December, manually, on Windows, and had a hard time with the drivers then too.
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