So, I got my replacement like 5 days ago, and this new replacement crapped out on me as well. It was working fine yesterday, until sometime in the afternoon that it just stopped connecting to the internet again. One thing I gotta say is that this happened to all my phones right after changing ROMs, and even after restoring the original ROM, unrooting my phones and doing hard resets, my phones still wouldn't connect to the internet. So, this problem has to be related to rooting but not like I was going to tell Sprint that. Anyway, so I called Sprint yesterday to tell them about my phone not working again and once again they did the same all thing about updating my phone, but it still wouldn't work, so their answer was that the towers were updating and the internet was supposed to be back in an hour or so, and my response was that I was going to wait until the next day to see if that was true, but I would doubt that the problem would be fixed, after all, we have other Sprint phones, and they seemed to work fine. And the next day came and my internet was still not working. So, I finally decided to go to my nearest Sprint store, which is around 2 hours away from where I live, because I got tired of calling and not getting my problem fixed, and while driving I kept checking my phone just in case I would have gotten signal from a different tower and my internet would have started working again but it was still not working. So, I got to the store, with my internet STILL not working, I checked that before getting out of my car, and I started talking to the guy about my problem, and when I was going to show him my phone, to my luck, the f**king internet was working!!! I felt like a total idiot. Right now my internet is still working. I wonder if the actuall stores have their own mini powerful towers or something that made my phone work again. Anyway, now I'm afraid to install any other ROMs and run through this problem again. =/