Android Expert
Honestly, comparing a TP running Android to an iPad isn't really a fair comparison. The TP was never meant to run Android and the version of Android running on it is basically a hack..
True it is not a valid direct comparison but you can still get some valuable insight. You say hack, many people here run the same Cynanogen 9 ROM on their phones. Basically, what you are saying is every rooted phone here w/ a custom ROM is a hack too.
In fact, it runs ICS nicer than my Galaxy Nexus (saved a few quirks: camera/ADB). It loads the market ( I mean Google Play) and downloads tablet apps just fine.
It runs the same tablet apps (Gmail/maps) etc as any other tablet.
I have access to a Xoom, a HTC Flyer, Samsung 7" so I can see the difference. Netflix, astro file manager, twitter,etc all behave the same regardless of which Android device you are running.