Well first off, there are far more iPhone users than Droid users or even Android users for that matter (for the time being). So a poll like this will be skewed from the get go.
Secondly, being able to run 3rd party apps and widges, to easily switch between several running apps, and to run almost any app without rooting, make Android the superior OS in my book.
Also several members of one of the 'other' forums were keeping tabs on the voting, and all of a sudden (overnight) 2000 or so votes showed up on the iPhone poll pushing it way ahead so vote fixing is not out of the question. Same happened with the ZuneHD, it was ahead by a decent amount then all of a sudden the iPhone is way ahead. Yeah I know there are far more iPhone users, but something was still kind of fishy about the whole thing. So just another reason to pay little mind to such a poll.