That is a smart move by Verizon and Iphone. Something that should have happen from the beginning or when the Iphone 4 came out. The biggest complaint about the phone is the signal and Verizon's 3G will be here for a couple more years.
Personally I think the Iphone is over-rated and Android is a better system. Just look at the variety of phones you can get. Need a keyboard...Done. Want a bigger screen....Done. What a smaller "chick" phone....Done. Want a different provider....done. We have all the popular apps they do. Unfortunately the market sells the Iphone and thats all the general public knows.
Not to hag on the Iphone though. Smart move. Now I need to see if I want to switch roms.
Did you copy my blog??? hahaha
iPhone vs Droid ... NOT!!! | Richs Online Playground