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iPhone 5 live launch

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I think the biggest issue for android new phones.. Is cannibalism!

An iphone.. There is only one choice.. If you are a fan.. Then you wait.. And love what ever they give you. They sell like hotcakes because there is only one.. Take it or leave it.

Android... Totally different for android fans.
If you don't like it.. There is a new one next month.
And rumors make us want to wait and see.
The android oem fight each other for customers.
So the oems have to put out rumors.. Try for earlier release because they know the other phone that is rumored and will have spec better . Sometimes missing aggressive dates.
These forums seem to be less fanboyish than others I frequent so I'm confident I can post this here without getting roasted:

iPhone 5

This is a pretty gushing review of the iphone5. The reporter seems (seems) a bit of an apple fan, or it could just be excitement for the product. For those who don't know in the UK the guardian is a respected paper and i'd expect them to be unbiased with this type of thing but this a very good review. The old apple in me almost had a hint of regret because this is a good review lol.

Interesting read though but will probably only be readable to those who can look at these things more objectively, not the hardcore Android fans here. I merely post it for debate and discussion

"The amount of detail in Apple maps greater than Google Maps?"
"Siri dramatically better than anything on offer in Android"

Even though I've been swatting up on Android the last week or so I still don't know enough off my head to compare and contrast everything this reviewer is saying. You have to admit though he does sell it well even if it is only one mans opinion. Plus I like to be open to both sides of a debate, (even though my android is coming and ordered) blocking things out we don't want to hear makes us fanboys IMO. Would be interested in your thoughts. I thought it was an interesting read.

Interesting that the original thread i made for this has been quite rudely removed and stuck on the end of this one. The lounge says "talk about whatever the heck you want!" but perhaps things aren't as open at these forums as I expected, a little disappointing if unsurprising. Ah well.
Interesting that the original thread i made for this has been quite rudely removed and stuck on the end of this one. The lounge says "talk about whatever the heck you want!" but perhaps things aren't as open at these forums as I expected, a little disappointing if unsurprising. Ah well.

We also have a lot of people going both ways in this thread, so yes, talk about whatever you want.

But we're being rather overrun with new Apple threads and others have complained.

Putting your thread into the best-read iPhone thread in the Lounge wasn't exactly Siberia.

Thanks for understanding.
Well I guess we could also look at it this way... IOS and android are completely different. So with IOS getting all these new features ( whether they have been on Android or not not) they are still new features for iOS. That's the only way I can wrap my head around it. Because most the new features for this IOS device have become the norm for us android folk. If a new Android device came out with lte, a 4inch screen, panorama, a fast processor etc we wouldn't call it innovative. It would be expected. Where as iOS hasn't had any of these new things so in its own respect these features are a revolution for the iPhone users. They need their time to shine too . lol But I have a feeling while most probably won't admit it (or care enough to even know) , android has had these features. I'm sure there dissatisfied. All the things that Apple used to have a one up on Android are things of the past. We have beautiful displays. We have an os that is buttery smooth. We have cameras that take amazing photos. I'm proud of android and how it has evolved so quickly. From the look of this iphone it seems like apple has lost track of what made the iPhone what it was.
Interesting thought experiment. What if some Android OEM had come out with a phone with the identical specs as the iPhone but running Android? Would it get rave reviews?
They did over this side of the pond. Were a hell of a lot of S3 ads around in July/August.

We've had a bunch of S3 commercials but most of them have something to do with the carrier at the end. Mentioning Verizon, At&t, Sprint or T-Mobile after they talk about the phone.
The other thing you have to remember about the people who keep sticking with iPhone is, its not just about the phone, all of the i devices are basically just an entry point for the iTunes and app store, where Apple takes a 30% cut of every book, magazine, app, movie, song, album, or whatever. Its almost like the old thing about selling the razor at a loss because they'll make their money on the replacement blades, except in this case they can sell the razor at a huge mark up and still make a killing on the blades lol. Plus, people who have a lot of money tied up in apps and i stuff are less likely to change now. A lot of them might not even realize or care that they can listen to their iTunes on Android, they just want the least hassle possible, and at this point, that's staying the course with what they know.
Not to get "off subject" from the debate here haha but did you know that apple predicts that they will be making 40 Million in the next quarter from the new dock connector alone?

Well, perhaps they will. Wont buyers of the iPhone get a cable? I do know they get several performance enhancing Apple logo stickers, so that is something.

I have an iPad with the old connector and I will not be purchasing a new cable. Sorry Apple, NO SOUP FOR YOU!
Interesting thought experiment. What if some Android OEM had come out with a phone with the identical specs as the iPhone but running Android? Would it get rave reviews?

In our forums?

I'd say most definitely it would be largely positive - higher if it appeared easily rooted.

In the blogosphere? That would depend on the phase of the moon and which overlay it had. :)
The other thing you have to remember about the people who keep sticking with iPhone is, its not just about the phone, all of the i devices are basically just an entry point for the iTunes and app store, where Apple takes a 30% cut of every book, magazine, app, movie, song, album, or whatever.

Thank goodness Google does not do that. No wait, I forgot their store and the almost unavoidable insistence that you join the Gmail fanboys.;)

Doesn't Google (and Amazon) want cradle to grave customers just like Apple already has? Google's slogan is "One Device, One Store and Duck . . here comes Apple lawyers?";)

Sorry for the interruption, your regularly scheduled program will return shortly.:confused:

Seriously, we brain dead zombie Apple Fanboys use iTunes and the app store because there are no other choices. At least Android users can freely DL frightware, scareware, malware, virus programs and other noxious stuff when they visit Joe's Software Shack.

Not to mention, all that waiting for a root to arrive for their devices and all of those great permissions we must give the devs. Just today, I learned I must ship a dev a blood sample.

At least Android is easy to brick, so there is plenty of opportunities for you all to get next weeks improved phones.

Lucky you, we must wait a year to stand in line for overpriced phones. I can hardly wait for the iPhone 6. I hear it is Android based and will sell for $999.99.
Interesting thought experiment. What if some Android OEM had come out with a phone with the identical specs as the iPhone but running Android? Would it get rave reviews?

Well that is a great question worth pondering. An Android equal to the iPhone would be loved and an iPhone with the same specs as some Android device would be hated. Apple would be accused of stealing.

My guess is some might be fair to both sides and others likely will hate it if they love android and shut up if they are secretly in love with Apple crap. If the specs were the same, remember, you can still scream at Apple for their pricing structure and patent battles.

So there will always be fuel and ammo.:)

I just want a large screen for my next phone. A nice Galaxy S3 or whatever the no contract gang gives us. There . . I made my decision. I did see a folding Sony contraption that looks interesting, but that is another thread.
Interesting that the original thread i made for this has been quite rudely removed and stuck on the end of this one. The lounge says "talk about whatever the heck you want!" but perhaps things aren't as open at these forums as I expected, a little disappointing if unsurprising. Ah well.

Give up not . . . Read my posts. If they will tolerate my crapola, they will certainly accept your comments. Remember, threads wander and change; they evolve, and disintegrate and new threads arise from the ashes.

Until Early arrives and puts a stop to it. :)

Or that other moderator. :) I think those fangs are real, you know?:D:D
Give up not . . . Read my posts. If they will tolerate my crapola, they will certainly accept your comments. Remember, threads wander and change; they evolve, and disintegrate and new threads arise from the ashes.

Until Early arrives and puts a stop to it. :)

Or that other moderator. :) I think those fangs are real, you know?:D:D

Dissapointing use of modding powers in my opinion. Guardian is a prominent paper in the UK and it was an interesting review. I see no reason why it was moved when the lounge is an open forum, especially as I conduct myself well, it wasn't a flame thread anyway moving on...

I still like Apple, I have no shame in admitting that, i got my final OS update today. Which was pretty good if a little underwhelming. It is definitely time for me to move on though. That's just my personal view. I still think the iphone 5 is a really nice phone, does what it needs to very well, just not for me no more. Too small and restrictive. I know many of my friends over the moon about it coming though, and fair play to them.

It makes people happy, so whats the harm?
In fairness, I don't think the mods was abusing their power. Most likely your post was a repetitive Apple discussion that exist within the forum. You have the choice to add it here if you feel so strong about your post.
Similar topic threads often get merged, not to hide or punish but to keep the topic easy to find and follow for the majority of users here. It is never our intention to stifle anyone...period! OTH, the Apple vs Android threads often get out of hand and devolve into personal attacks. We cannot and will not condone users attacking each other. Our first and primary objective as staff is to maintain this place as a approachable and friendly place to visit for all users.
In fairness, I don't think the mods was abusing their power. Most likely your post was a repetitive Apple discussion that exist within the forum. You have the choice to add it here if you feel so strong about your post.

You don't think the mods were abusing their power regards my post. Yet, you don't even actually know or have read the post in discussion, as you indicate. Brilliant neutral input there thanks. :thumb:
Similar topic threads often get merged, not to hide or punish but to keep the topic easy to find and follow for the majority of users here. It is never our intention to stifle anyone...period! OTH, the Apple vs Android threads often get out of hand and devolve into personal attacks. We cannot and will not condone users attacking each other. Our first and primary objective as staff is to maintain this place as a approachable and friendly place to visit for all users.

I posted a link to the guardians review of the iphone5. If posters cannot control themselves and start attacking each other that is on them. I posted it to encourage debate. Guardian is a respected paper, it's not like it was a random review etc.

This is your forum, you are the mods, it's just i'm new here and the old saying first impressions etc. This being the first Android forum I've joined not a good sign deleting pro iphone5 threads imo. Debate is healthy and fun, things shouldn't be hidden from people because they might not like it, I thought the apple die hards were the sensitive ones.

Thought it was a bit over the top to delete it and merge it at the end of a thread. When there are other apple posts in the lounge. Yet one which glowingly praises the iphone5 is deleted? That in itself is a bit suspect imo.

This is merely my opinion. I have had two mods, and someone who obviously quite badly wants to be a mod disagree with me, this is fine it's cool. My intention was never negative. I assumed most of us here were adult enough to enjoy a debate regarding a glowing iphone5 review. If I knew it was going to hurt feelings or as you say " devolve into personal attacks" I would never have posted it.

I would have suggested letting others read it as it was, and respecting them enough as adults to trust they won't devolve into personal attacks. Just my input as a noob here. Hopefully we can agree to disagree on this.
You don't think the mods were abusing their power regards my post. Yet, you don't even actually know or have read the post in discussion, as you indicate. Brilliant neutral input there thanks. :thumb:

I can point you at one post on our forums that has no less than 10 reviews for the iPhone.

If everyone made a thread for their favorite iPhone article here, the Lounge would be overrun.

We don't allow it for Samsung, HTC or Motorola and we're certainly not going to allow it for the iPhone.

The only abuse here is the derailing of this thread with vague references to mods.

I merged your thread here, I explained why nicely, if you want to discuss it further, please drop me a line.

Otherwise, please let it go, cheers, thanks. :)

And by the way, it was never deleted.

It was merged here. It can be read and discussed here.
Sure I will let it go. Only came to the forums due to excitement over my new Android product, not this. As I said agree to disagree. Have a good day.

sorry you got the wrong impression.

i too had a few issues with a few mod decisions. they maybe right or wrong. I have never got the impression it was about hiding pro apple (or any other OEMs).

there are many other pro apple members here.. example Bob M. he is always saying his part and as well as many others.

even in this thread you can see many PRO apple reviews.

I also agree, that threads of the same discussion should be grouped together. if not.. the this week.. the forum would look like an apple forum.

see you around ;)
A guy I work with left work early and took tomorrow off so he could drive 3 hours one way and camp out at an Apple store. I don't get it.
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