Just like the PC, Apple innovates and then gets left in the dust by their narrow minded need to control everything. By making their system open source Google, like Microsoft before them with the PC's, will dominate slates, TV's, and smart phones in the future.
The introduction of the iPhone with it's capacitive touch screen and multi-touch interface was a revolution. It made other smart phones look like cheap clunky crap. So for a while they ran the table and where the standard in smart phones. Then they did the same thing with tablets. Other tablets running windows where and are still clunky crap.
That did not last long. As in the past Apple's need to be exclusive and restrictive was tantamount to cutting off their nose to spite their face. The iPhone for a long time could not even send multi media messages. Something the cheapest phones could do. It still won't allow flash viewing, adding more memory or changing the battery. At least they allowed people to write programs for it. Something that tripped them up with the PC. But they still did not learn from that because they want to control any and all content put on the iPhone. You have to go through iTunes to put music on the device. You cannot get content from anywhere other than Apple. Greedy and stupid if you ask me.
I don't even want to go into all the problems I've had with iTunes and sharing music with my family. iTunes won't even let you sync other devices with it. A huge mistake for Apple again. They lost a lot of money with that move as well.
Then into the smart phone void enters the Google Android system. An open source operating system that any smart phone manufacturer can license and use on their devices. So once the other electronics manufacturers could catch up with the technology they had a great OS they could use. You can also adapt it to slate's, TV's, eReaders and any other touch screen interface device. Maybe cars in the future, the possibilities are endless.
So on an Android device you can down load content from anywhere, add memory, change the battery, and customize it anyway you want. So much for Apple, left in the dust again by their own narrow minded need for control.
They say
The introduction of the iPhone with it's capacitive touch screen and multi-touch interface was a revolution. It made other smart phones look like cheap clunky crap. So for a while they ran the table and where the standard in smart phones. Then they did the same thing with tablets. Other tablets running windows where and are still clunky crap.
That did not last long. As in the past Apple's need to be exclusive and restrictive was tantamount to cutting off their nose to spite their face. The iPhone for a long time could not even send multi media messages. Something the cheapest phones could do. It still won't allow flash viewing, adding more memory or changing the battery. At least they allowed people to write programs for it. Something that tripped them up with the PC. But they still did not learn from that because they want to control any and all content put on the iPhone. You have to go through iTunes to put music on the device. You cannot get content from anywhere other than Apple. Greedy and stupid if you ask me.
I don't even want to go into all the problems I've had with iTunes and sharing music with my family. iTunes won't even let you sync other devices with it. A huge mistake for Apple again. They lost a lot of money with that move as well.
Then into the smart phone void enters the Google Android system. An open source operating system that any smart phone manufacturer can license and use on their devices. So once the other electronics manufacturers could catch up with the technology they had a great OS they could use. You can also adapt it to slate's, TV's, eReaders and any other touch screen interface device. Maybe cars in the future, the possibilities are endless.
So on an Android device you can down load content from anywhere, add memory, change the battery, and customize it anyway you want. So much for Apple, left in the dust again by their own narrow minded need for control.
They say