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iphone owners "screwed" again

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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2009
How many times does an iphone OWNER need to be bent over before they say ouch? Now they are makimg it impossible to change your bettery in your phone. But the good new is the Mr Jobs for only 75 usd will do it for you. Talk about being "screwed" over!
wow Iphone been out how many years? How many versions? You just realized this? Hope you know Droid is a trademark of lucasarts.:rolleyes:

lets see battery for my droid is $50 if bought from Verizon (i know you can buy it cheaper but its an example) so $25 more you get your Iphone battery changed. Dont see the outrage there?
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I've had many iPhones and so have friends and neither I nor any of them has EVER had to change a battery. Having a sealed battery is NOT a negative so don't drink the kool-aid.
Unlike my Android phones, my iPhone battery seems to make it thru the whole day......
With my 2 batteries, I can go 6 days without touching a charger, if your iphone can't do this, how is that NOT a negative?
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Now, Apple's made a new move, and that's what this is about - if you take an iPhone in for any servicing, they're replacing the Phillips heads screws with Pentalobes.

And here's how to get around that - iFixit releases iPhone 4 liberation kit for Pentalobe screws

Amazon.com: Pentalobe Screwdriver Size TS1 for iPhone 4 (2nd generation) by Silverhill Tools: Home Improvement

That was just the first in a long list of them available after searching google.

Apple should have made their own bit design and patented the bit and driver if they really wanted to stop people from changing them! Even then it's not hard to make your own mold and driver if you really want to.
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With my 2 batteries, I can go 6 days without touching a charger, if your iphone can't do this, how is that NOT a negative?

If I can't find a way to charge my phone before it dies then I don't deserve a phone in the first place.

Keep a charger in your car.

Having to carry around an extra battery is nuts.
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When doing contract negotiations, some of the phone conferences I'll be in will last 5 hours easily.

Allowances are made for people to change batteries, find chargers or laptops to connect to - whatever it takes. Bluetooth doesn't last that long, and being chained to a desk doesn't cut it. You wire up, you walk around, you get coffee, you fetch files, and you go on mute or mute/speaker while the other parties grind their axes.

And we all accommodate each other, and compliment one another that a battery lasted as long as did.

I'm little more impressed with the Android battery integration than I am with the iPhone's. I had a Helio Ocean feature phone - it's battery formed a part of the back case. None of this take off the back cover nonsense.


So, in my opinion sports fans, until someone brings that level of convenience back, _all_ of us with high phone use demands are getting screwed.

(And I learned of the ability to change iPhone batteries from my colleagues, who had that need.)
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No way! Apple wants total and complete control over rented Apple hardware? What a shock!

Seriously, you didn't really think you owned your iDevice, did you? It's just rented to you until the newest version comes out.
Same goes for Music cd's,movie DVD's & VHS, You dont out right own those. Many things out there that you own but really dont. Heck I have to pay taxes on my house and cars to my local gov. I could swear I owned those items and not them.
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Same goes for Music cd's,movie DVD's & VHS, You dont out right own those.

You do own the physical media which the recording is on, whether that be a cassette, 8-track, VHS, wax cylinder, 78, LP, CD, Laserdisc, DVD, Blu-ray or floppy disc. You can do as you like with these. It's the copyrighted work or recording contained on the physical media, that you don't actually own.

Many things out there that you own but really dont. Heck I have to pay taxes on my house and cars to my local gov. I could swear I owned those items and not them.

You only have to pay taxes on a car if you drive it, fuel tax and road tax. Leave it in the garage and not drive it, you wont have to pay taxes on it.
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A common misconception among phAndroids. Perhaps if there were an Android phone that had good battery life.......

...just saying. :)

I get the same, if not a little better battery life from my Droid X as I did with my iPhone 3Gs. Pretty much identical use. Obviously wasn't running widgets on my iPhone like I am on my DX. And you can replace the iPhone battery yourself, it's just not as easy to do.
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I have a spare battery for the same reasons I have airbags, seatbelts, antivirus software, and other things that are for "what if" situations. I have used ALL of them at one time or another in life. Having a spare battery means on a busy work day (I don't sit at a desk, so that is probably where engineers thinking processes stop) after a lot of talking/texting/GPSing/WiFiing, when my battery goes dead towards the end of the day all I have to do is pop in the fresh battery and keep working instead of sitting in my vehicle with it plugged in while NOT working.

Apple is Kool-Aid on every level. They have some really great products with great features - but they will only offer them to you how they want to, on their terms, when they feel like it. And they will tell you that you are wrong if you do not like what they give! And every one puts on the white shirts/hats/logos and screams with delight while throwing money! Craziness. INSANITY even.
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If I can't find a way to charge my phone before it dies then I don't deserve a phone in the first place.

Keep a charger in your car.

Having to carry around an extra battery is nuts.

I bike about 5 hours a day, using GPS and Pandora. That's a pedal bike, not a motor bike.

Running these resource heavy applications tends to drain my battery fairly quickly.

So, yes... it definitely comes in handy.

But then again, I guess since I bike so much, I don't deserve to own a phone... regardless of the fact that I paid for it.
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Most iUsers don't care if their battery fails.
I think it's a dirty move but the people that care about the screws will be in the minority, unfortunately.

iPhone users are no different than the rest of society... as long as they can buy a hamburger and pay for cheap gas they put into their SUV they are happy.
It matters not that the minority with half a brain knows where this slippery slope of control and domination leads.

Motorola locks the bootloader.. Apple locks the back cover.
Not sure which is more evil.
Both hinder modification in one form or another.
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Most iUsers don't care if their battery fails.
I think it's a dirty move but the people that care about the screws will be in the minority, unfortunately.

iPhone users are no different than the rest of society... as long as they can buy a hamburger and pay for cheap gas they put into their SUV they are happy.
It matters not that the minority with half a brain knows where this slippery slope of control and domination leads.

Motorola locks the bootloader.. Apple locks the back cover.
Not sure which is more evil.
Both hinder modification in one form or another.

Reminds me of Idiocracy.
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