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iphone owners "screwed" again

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Same goes for Music cd's,movie DVD's & VHS, You dont out right own those. Many things out there that you own but really dont. Heck I have to pay taxes on my house and cars to my local gov. I could swear I owned those items and not them.

Yep, you license the content of CD's, movie DVD's (And Blu-Ray, and VHS, and et al).

But, you do in fact own the media they come on. And, you are free to do whatever you like to the media: Erase it, and put your own content on there.

But, in the Apple model, you rent the hardware, and have zero control over it. Much like the DVR you rent from your cable company. Only difference? With the Apple products you pay up front, and the cable boxes you pay monthly.

As for taxes, yes, you own your property. However, the taxes pay for the services that ensure you can continue to own your property (Security, Fire, etc). Of course, there are a couple of states where this is not true (Some states you have a 99-year lease on the property, the state owns it).
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I think we've established that the screws are accessible by easily found tool and batteries can be replaced.

I think property law may be best discussed under the Politics subforum. There'll be more takers for the discussion there.

The thread's moved into repeated statements, multiple simultaneous topics and Apple hating - and I think we all know from experience this is the point where a thread starts to degrade quickly, with people either responding to the first post or the last post without following how things got here.

I'll leave this open and monitor in case folks kinda wanna center on some topic - otherwise, it's getting to be about time to put this one to rest.
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Same goes for Music cd's,movie DVD's & VHS, You dont out right own those. Many things out there that you own but really dont. Heck I have to pay taxes on my house and cars to my local gov. I could swear I owned those items and not them.

There is completely different and legitimate reasoning behind those taxes. Nothing to do with whether or not you fully own them. Just saying...
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You do own the physical media which the recording is on, whether that be a cassette, 8-track, VHS, wax cylinder, 78, LP, CD, Laserdisc, DVD, Blu-ray or floppy disc. You can do as you like with these. It's the copyrighted work or recording contained on the physical media, that you don't actually own.

It's a fine line. If I tried to rent out (actually get money for them taking it temporarily) this "physical media" I would still be breaking the law. Probably won't be caught, but still would be violating the law.
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