With thinking like this, class action lawsuits would never happen. Many of the things complained about within this thread would not necessarily be part of a contract in anyway. What the OP is pointing out is a company allowing a product to incur charges without proper ways of governing said product; that would not be part of a contract.
A contract is only going to state what you're liable to pay. Unless I'm sorely mistaken, that contract is not going to show or tell that a product randomly and freely accesses data unless an end buyer learns how to put stops on all those applications being used, some of ones which are AT&T apps that start themselves automatically, unless you find information to use something against them like JuiceDefender, etc. Most information like that is only going to come through forums like these, not through the carrier or the phones manual (not exactly anyway).
Unless I'm mistaken does anyone else here know of anywhere within your contract with AT&T, or any carrier for that matter, it stating something to the effect that "We, wireless carrier, have included many apps on your smartphone. Many of these from time to time will start themselves, unbeknownst to you, and draw data. Besides our own apps, other developer's apps may do this as well. Because these apps could turn themselves on, even without your knowledge, you are always liable for any data charges you will incur. We are sorry if this is may be considered an inconvenience or troublesome to you, but..." (and to me this is my most cynical kicker) "...we do now have two different 'ceilinged' data plans to choose from, for your convenience and choice, because we no longer provide the one unlimited data plan unless you were fortunate enough to be grandfathered in to said plan."
Can you honestly say a company having followed through recently with such change in data plans is not going to have this come back to them when more and more "regular" people (not being tech savvy at all or not familiar or maybe not have the time to read endless forums like these) begin buying phones such as the Captivate and start thinking "Hey, maybe there's something wrong here."
As far as saying something like "they got better lawyers", if a class action suit happened to be filed and it was a huge group I don't know that your statement is going to necessarily be true, as really good lawyers will follow that large percentage (large suing group) of money that they charge. And we all know there are firms that specialize in suits of the type that the OP is suggesting. He may have to go through all the legwork and phonecalls with local and federal agencies but this is not out of the realm of a suit.