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is it worth rooting a phone?

I don't know what you are guys are talking about with problems. There are certain ROM's that aren't fully ready like 2.1 but I have heard of very few problems wih Fresh or MaDaCo. If you are going flash a ROM, I would go with Fresh 1.1. Flash that first then flash the Gumbo kernal. After that you can flash some tweeks like green espresso (which gives a green color when you select an app) and Apps 2.1.

The one caution I don't hear enough about is double check everything before you flash it. There have been enough people who are in a rush to flash a ROM on their phone and don't realize that they just downloaded a GSM ROM. If you flash that to your phone, it will become a paper weight. Only flash CDMA ROM's. If you don't know, don't flash and ask. So one last time check everything before you flash.
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I don't know what you are guys are talking about with problems. There are certain ROM's that aren't fully ready like 2.1 but I have heard of very few problems wih Fresh or MaDaCo. If you are going flash a ROM, I would go with Fresh 1.1. Flash that first then flash the Gumbo kernal. After that you can flash some tweeks like green espresso (which gives a green color when you select an app) and Apps 2.1.

The one caution I don't hear enough about is double check everything before you flash it. There have been enough people who are in a rush to flash a ROM on their phone and don't realize that they just downloaded a GSM ROM. If you flash that to your phone, it will become a paper weight. Only flash CDMA ROM's. If you don't know, don't flash and ask. So one last time check everything before you flash.


Rules of Rooting and Custom Roms

1. READ READ READ before you do
2. Take your time DO NOT RUSH
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fricken a. followed all the instructions from [Guide] Root/Rom/Faq Tutorial. i was having problems rooting through kitchen. so i decided to manual root.

well the little problem i have is... step 6.
You should see an output that says:
$ /data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
[+] Using newer pope_inode_info layout
Opening: /proc/857/fd/3
SUCCESS: Enjoy the shell.
at this point, Opening: /proc/857/fd/3 reads Opening: /proc/626/fd/3 instead. but everything else reads ok. then...

on step 13.
adb push recovery-RA-heroc-v1.5.2.img /sdcard
i get a "failed to copy 'recovery-RA-heroc-v1.5.2.img' to '/sdcard/recovery-RA-heroc-v.1.5.2.img' : permission denied.

so i'm stuck. any ideas?
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fricken a. followed all the instructions from [Guide] Root/Rom/Faq Tutorial. i was having problems rooting through kitchen. so i decided to manual root.

well the little problem i have is... step 6.
You should see an output that says:
$ /data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
[+] Using newer pope_inode_info layout
Opening: /proc/857/fd/3
SUCCESS: Enjoy the shell.
at this point, Opening: /proc/857/fd/3 reads Opening: /proc/626/fd/3 instead. but everything else reads ok. then...

on step 13.
adb push recovery-RA-heroc-v1.5.2.img /sdcard
i get a "failed to copy 'recovery-RA-heroc-v1.5.2.img' to '/sdcard/recovery-RA-heroc-v.1.5.2.img' : permission denied.

so i'm stuck. any ideas?

I got the same message...so...I drag/dropped the IMG file onto my SDCARD via Windows...lol...it worked for me :D
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I would just like to quickly chime in because I struggled all weekend to root my phone. Like the OP, I was on the fence as to whether or not I should try it. My main motivation was to see if the performance increase really was as significant as people were claiming. But I was scared to brick my phone and kick myself afterwards if it didn't work. After three frustrating days, I finally figured it out thanks to all the help on this forum and let me tell you: it is worth it. With the ability to use the RUU to go back to stock and "unroot" your phone, I honestly don't see a compelling reason to not root and at least give it a shot.

There were two reasons I had problems: 1) a typo in the tutorial I read (which has since been fixed) led to all my apps force-closing and I had to RUU, and 2) after fixing that issue I didn't realize my SD card was full, prohibiting me from creating a nandroid backup. If I had noticed the typo and made sure I had room on my SD card, I would have been rooted and flashed with Fresh 1.1 and the Gumbo kernel in literally a half hour.

The performance increases reported in these forums are NOT being overstated. My phone is incredibly snappy now, key apps load so much faster and it even boots faster. If people are saying their unrooted stock phones are just as fast as rooted phones, then that's great for them and I'm envious. Seriously. But if your phone takes 6-8 seconds to load up the dialer, 8-10 seconds to load the browser, etc. and it drives you nuts like mine did, then it's definitely worth rooting. WiFi tether is also a nice bonus, along with the tasteful animation enhancements in Fresh 1.1 (personal opinion).
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I would just like to quickly chime in because I struggled all weekend to root my phone. Like the OP, I was on the fence as to whether or not I should try it. My main motivation was to see if the performance increase really was as significant as people were claiming. But I was scared to brick my phone and kick myself afterwards if it didn't work. After three frustrating days, I finally figured it out thanks to all the help on this forum and let me tell you: it is worth it. With the ability to use the RUU to go back to stock and "unroot" your phone, I honestly don't see a compelling reason to not root and at least give it a shot.

There were two reasons I had problems: 1) a typo in the tutorial I read (which has since been fixed) led to all my apps force-closing and I had to RUU, and 2) after fixing that issue I didn't realize my SD card was full, prohibiting me from creating a nandroid backup. If I had noticed the typo and made sure I had room on my SD card, I would have been rooted and flashed with Fresh 1.1 and the Gumbo kernel in literally a half hour.

The performance increases reported in these forums are NOT being overstated. My phone is incredibly snappy now, key apps load so much faster and it even boots faster. If people are saying their unrooted stock phones are just as fast as rooted phones, then that's great for them and I'm envious. Seriously. But if your phone takes 6-8 seconds to load up the dialer, 8-10 seconds to load the browser, etc. and it drives you nuts like mine did, then it's definitely worth rooting. WiFi tether is also a nice bonus, along with the tasteful animation enhancements in Fresh 1.1 (personal opinion).

Drew, (and everyone here!) thanks for your post(s). Like you were initially, and I am sure others are as well, I am hesitant to try to root, and flash a custom ROM and kernel, and setcpu, etc. The more posts I read where folks have had troubles, the less I am willing to try it. Then I see your post, (thank you again!) where you spell out what tripped you up, and then I lean the other way again.

I often get the lag when a call comes in and the phone can't quite figure out how to deal with it. (or is it me?) Do I hit the green hard button, or slide up the lock screen, then I see the pattern unlock... what a mess! So I do see many possible benefits. I have seen posts commenting on loosing bluetooth, and/or speaker phone, (which I don't want to loose) yet I am not certain if those issues have been resolved with certain roms. I have seen comments about other issues arising from rooting/flashing custom roms.

However, I may try it. About 80% sure. I am not tech challenged, but I am very intolerant of my own mistakes, and have a tendency to rush things, so I know my own weaknesses. I have been reading these posts many times a day for weeks, but still, I am uncertain of my ability to do this. I wonder if there is a "best time of day" to have help available online (in "real time") if I screw something up. I don't have anyone here to be a "second set of eyes", so to speak. I can't afford to be without a working phone for very long, as I have no land line.

My gut tells me to do it, and I will become a raving fan, and happy to help others with rooting.

OK, this is long enough
sorry for the long post, and
thanks for any comments!

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i think most of the issues are from

1. user error in doing the rooting or loading ROMs
2. messing with Radio CDMA (dont touch in CDMA phones)
3. using cutting edge ROMs ...

if you stick to the official ROMs from Fresh and Modaco.
Read to confirm you have the right procedure and software for your PHONE!!!

You should be fine.. and happy
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Are there issues with rooting and putting a custom rom on? Yes, however, it is less issues than I had before rooting and being on a custom ROM. Its like a car, no matter what kind you buy, there will end up being some kinda issue with it no matter how good or bad it is.

I have to say that I agree with Dan, stick with the proven ones like Fresh and Modaco. These cutting edge ones will be tested by those that don't mind reflashing and testing things out, and they will post letting everyone know the issues. I say I will use a proven one till enough people test out a cutting edge one then change over.
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I am unrooted, and like the hero as it is.
However I absolutely hate the HTC Phone app, it is extremely laggy, I will enter 4 digits and it takes 5 seconds to load it up. Its not just every now and then its about 90% of the time. Would I be able to uninstall the HTC Phone app using fresh kitchen, because it is a stock app, and then some how install the stock android dialer.

I know the Samsung moment is running the same version of Android, So is it possible to extract that version of the android phone dialer and install it on the Hero.

And I know this is discussed everyday, but is the Sameung moment and the Hero going to recieve 2.1 at the same time or at different times. Because the Hero has to run sense, where as the moment can run 2.1 like the nexus, with landscape support tho.
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And I know this is discussed everyday, but is the Sameung moment and the Hero going to recieve 2.1 at the same time or at different times. Because the Hero has to run sense, where as the moment can run 2.1 like the nexus, with landscape support tho.

Every report I've read on the Sprint Community suggests that both will get the update at the same time. Wouldn't surprise me if we'd have to go to a repair center to do it, or the Moment users will anyway (that's not necessarily true, but just my guess)
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