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Is it worth switching from Intercept to Slider?


Android Enthusiast
I currently have the VM Samsung Intercept. It's a nice phone but my complaints are that it's a little slow, the 3G connection isn't very stable, and the battery gets hot at random times.

I was thinking of switching to the VM Optimus Slider. Is there anyone here who has owned both and can tell me if this phone is better?

I like having a slide out keyboard so there really aren't many options for someone like me.
I upgraded from an intercept to an optimus slider. The intercept is crap due to no ram for running apps. If the system starts too many services in the background it will crash - which it does frequently. The optimus is worlds better. Even when I download lots of apps to fill storage ram, system ram still has 100's of megs free for running the system. I never get the hangs and crashes like I did with the intercept. So, in a word: yes, upgrade to the optimus slider.
the slider is worlds different than the Intercept! It is on sale on the VM website or check your local Radio Shack or Target
When you say it's different, do you mean better?

Also, does it have flash? The description on Amazon says it has flash 10.1, but one of the reviews says it doesn't have flash.
Both my wife and I owned Intercepts - I went to the Triumph and I recently got her the Slider and it's levels upon levels above the Intercept. When I scroll through her phone, I don't feel a whole lot of difference in speed between the Triumph and the Slider. So yes, I do think it's worth it.
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