Evo 5oh
Android Enthusiast
Alright, I know you guys get this too from your local car dealer a damn fake key. Well my ad said 4 ways to win. I could win the car if the key works or if I play $20,000 poker. It clearly states " Scratch off all 3 chips now to see if you have won 1 of 4 prizes!" So I scratch all 3 and all 3 chips were $20,000 so I won.
The 4 prizes they mention were:
A dodge Ram
Big TV
and gold coins (representing money)
Above the prizes it says "If your scratch-off on back cover reveals three $20,000(which mine did) you have WON ONE OF THE PRIZES!
It says then to call event hotline: (xxx)xxx-xxxx
Provide confirmation code xxxxxx
Then, proceed to EVENT HEADQUARTERS during event hours to Claim your prize.
I read the ad and theres no fine print
Edit: There is a fine print I read it says full rules at the website. I go to the website up and down and theres no contest
thats even worse... right?
The 4 prizes they mention were:
A dodge Ram
Big TV
and gold coins (representing money)
Above the prizes it says "If your scratch-off on back cover reveals three $20,000(which mine did) you have WON ONE OF THE PRIZES!
It says then to call event hotline: (xxx)xxx-xxxx
Provide confirmation code xxxxxx
Then, proceed to EVENT HEADQUARTERS during event hours to Claim your prize.
I read the ad and theres no fine print
Edit: There is a fine print I read it says full rules at the website. I go to the website up and down and theres no contest