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Is this normal for android?


Android Enthusiast
People, as much as I love my Galaxy S, I've always had some complications with my battery life.

I took this today...


You can see that at some point I turned off the screen and went to sleep, and I woke up with my phone dead.

Is it normal for the phone to have so muhc activity during stand by?

Because I'm not really interested in having it plugged in all the time while I'm at home... I don't think Android is designed to last 5 hours of stand by.

I only have sync on for Gmail, nothing else.

The only app I use that uses internet is Facebook Messenger.
Well it looks like you got almost 18.5 hours on about 95% battery which I think is pretty good. When wifi was turned on it looks like that may have caused the drain. Were you connected to wifi or was the phone searching for wifi the whole time?
Well it looks like you got almost 18.5 hours on about 95% battery which I think is pretty good. When wifi was turned on it looks like that may have caused the drain. Were you connected to wifi or was the phone searching for wifi the whole time?
Actually, I went to bed and used it for web browsing for more than 1 hour, then I put it away and slept.

I'm happy with battery life while using it for real, but I don't think battery drain should be that high while not in use.

And I set Wifi to never be shut down in the policy menu, and yes, it was connected to my router, which sets 5ft from my bed.

Notice that when I turn off the screen (Tela Ligada, in portuguese), the graph is still steep. Shouldn't it be like in the begining of the graph? (almost linear)
Yeah it looks like it could be due to wifi, tela ligada, or atividade. I assume wifi is wifi, tela ligada is screen off (?) I am not sure what atividade is. Was the phone using any data over wifi over this time? I would think that the entire graph should be very linear unless there was a major change in use (going from low use to streaming video)

Are you rooted and running a custom kernel? If so you could try clearing your battery stats in recovery (or use battery calibration from the market) to see if that helps reporting. I still think you are getting pretty good battery life seeing as you were connected to your mobile network the entire time according to the graph.

The reason I think this may be a reporting error is that if your normal battery is being reported until the steep drop it looks like you should get over 2 days off of a charge :eek:
Okay after looking at google translate screen on and activity are the other 2 factors. If you were web browsing I could see screen on causing the drop so quickly, you could try adjusting the brightness to see if that can help.
My device is stock, haven't touched anything.

I use Auto brightness. Wifi sleep policy is set to never be turned off.

I think the battery lasts long enough for a 4" super amoled 1ghz device while in heavy use, but in standby I'd expect the drain to be minimal.

After the screen was turned off, the graph should go back to it's linear form, like before I started using it.

I think there's something really heavy being proccessed while in standby, just look at all that activity while the screen is off.

Maybe it updated apps? For some reason my phone always likes to check the market for app updates during early morning hours.
My htc desire uses about 0.5% per hour while not using it, 3g and wifi turned off. I can get 1 day of moderately heavy use or 2 days of my normal use out of it. I only turn on 3g when I want to check my email or use internet, no push email, or apps left running.

I'm happy with it.
Also my friends stock htc desire is about the same (mine is rooted with oxygen 2.3.2 on it. I got a SGS2X on renewal and it is about the same, but I'm selling it and keeping the Desire.
My sister has a Galaxy S I9000M and its even better than these on battery.
My gf's LG O1 isn't great, neither was the LG Shine plus that fell into a lake but might have been a defective battery.
Looks like an app just kept wanting to refresh when wifi was hooked up. Although your display did take a decent chunk out of your battery, the slope didn't improve too much when the screen stopped turning on. I'd bet your chat program was the culprit.
One suggestion would be to change wifi policy to sleep when screen turned off.

I also set my "auto-sync" to off (I keep the background sync on). With auto sync on, depending on your app, your phone can be syncing every 5 to 10 minutes. I only need to sync when I turn on the phone to look at something. (Un?)Fortunately, I mainly use yahoo email and it will still push new email and notify me as long as I have the background sync on (and there is wifi because I do not use a mobile data plan).
So, I set the wifi policy to turn off while not charging and it lasted the whole night... Drained about 9% in 10 hours of sleep, but it had some activity like alarm, 3 facebook messenger notifications and a few e-mails.

I hope it remains like this forever....

Also, brazilian Galaxies have an app that shuts down mobile data and enalbes a quick connection each 30 minutes... It puts all syncing apps in a line and only refrshes them twice an hour, I think that is helping too.

It's the green battery icon you see on the notification bar, on the left.

I'll keep you informed.
You are on to something.

Battery issues are actually really easy to resolve. There are only 3 major factors to battery drain:

1) radio use
2) CPU use
3) screen on

You can eliminate screen on since you saw the biggest drop when you were sleeping and the screen was off.

The screenshot doesn't report CPU usage so that is inconclusive.

But there's a big correlation between Wifi on and your fast battery drain. That means it's the radio draining your battery.

Now, just being connected to a wifi hotspot uses almost no power at all. So don't think wifi is bad. What's likely happening is that some app that requires internet access is using the wifi connection heavily.

My guess would be your chat program as well. These chat programs are constantly polling to see if people on your buddy list are online, what their status is, etc. I've used Talk (gtalk), IMO, skype, et. al. on my Android, and ALL of them are huge battery drainers when idle.

So make sure you exit these apps before you go to bed, and you should be fine. You can even leave wifi on overnight.
You are on to something.

Battery issues are actually really easy to resolve. There are only 3 major factors to battery drain:

1) radio use
2) CPU use
3) screen on

You can eliminate screen on since you saw the biggest drop when you were sleeping and the screen was off.

The screenshot doesn't report CPU usage so that is inconclusive.

But there's a big correlation between Wifi on and your fast battery drain. That means it's the radio draining your battery.

Now, just being connected to a wifi hotspot uses almost no power at all. So don't think wifi is bad. What's likely happening is that some app that requires internet access is using the wifi connection heavily.

My guess would be your chat program as well. These chat programs are constantly polling to see if people on your buddy list are online, what their status is, etc. I've used Talk (gtalk), IMO, skype, et. al. on my Android, and ALL of them are huge battery drainers when idle.

So make sure you exit these apps before you go to bed, and you should be fine. You can even leave wifi on overnight.
Thank you for taking your time to help me.

Let me see...

I have facebook messenger and Whatsapp installed and running, Skype I sign off prior to exitting...

So it must be Facebook Messenger, as I didn't have Whatsapp installed before I took that screenshot.

I'm gonna make a few tests these days and leave it idling with and without facebook messenger. Maybe it's the culprit, as you said.

I'll keep you informed. :)
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