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Is Verizon and HTC having a good laugh?


Well-Known Member
Beyond a grainy photo with no name and really could be any phone is there ANY evidence this phone is real? I wonder if Verizon and HTC are having a good laugh. I cant believe there is no solid info leaked. Just I herd that a friend herd from a friend. Stuff like that. Is this the Roswell of phones? Where did the rumors start? Just seems like by now something would be more concrete and leaked. Even BGR has backed off on the passion. They get stuff quite early somehow. Nothing, we might be waiting for the unicorn of phones... I hope not, got to dump this Droid but I can only wait so long.
With the latest rumor being that the HTC Passion was "at Android headquarters for quite some time now and top Android people are already using it", hopefully it means that they are doing extended "real world" testing so the device won't be released with a laundry list of updates as long as the Eris. Even the Hero had problems that needed to be tweaked after it's release. And with the Moto Droid having a few quirky problems, maybe HTC realizes they need to bring a finish product to market. It least I hope that is what's going on, cause the wait is killing me!
Me to! I hope thats the case. How is BGR or no one has got some solid pics and such? Just that one photo that looks a lot like a couple phones. I just dont know how they are keeping this sooooo silent. With todays tech there are no more secrets. Apple's tablet. Microsofts tablets and those are a long ways off and we have pics of even the Os and a video of Microsofts sweet looking tablet. And yet this Passion still alludes us........ Stuff is usually leaked from way back at manufacturing in China or Taiwan. I dunno getting a little worried that the joke may be on us!
Well, worse case senerio, I could live with the Droid. I actually love the way the Droid looks. But, I would probably never use the physical keyboard on that phone.
Well, worse case senerio, I could live with the Droid. I actually love the way the Droid looks. But, I would probably never use the physical keyboard on that phone.

The physical keyboard is exactly why I returned the Droid. While it was a nice phone that I liked alot, the keyboard on it is useless. I was coming from an LG enV, and I could write a book on that keyboard. I figured the Droid's keyboard HAD to be better, but alas I was disappointed. I ended up using the virtual keyboard most of the time, which to my surprise was very nice.

So I'm waiting for the rumored Passion to come out.
Phones for Dec 11th are now being leaked Boy Genius Report and no news on the Passion...... have we just been dreaming? Black Friday launch coming and going. Dec first couple weeks maybe passing..
Yeah unfortunately there is nothing to say this wasn't some dude's basement hoax, that all the bloggers picked up on. No proof, no announcements, no FCC, nothing other than someone saying 'its coming,' who most likely has no more clue than my mother.

I hope it is coming though.
Funny - Dec 11 is being thrown around as a key date for lots of things - OS updates, release dates, etc. That's the first day of Hannukah. Fortunately, I'm already Jewish, so I don't have to come up with new excuses why I need to make a significant expenditure on Dec 11!!
I don't think that the phone is a hoax. I do think that these 4-5 inch Android, WinMob touchscreen phones are not going to be released until end of Q1 for all carriers across the board. I do not think that any one of them is going to put one out before the end of this year. If not we would have seen more than just the few photos. If some big wigs would have had it already, I think someone would have showed a little video of it or maybe even their kid would have posted it. I am going to buy the eris tomorrow and use one of my updates next year if the passion reveals itself.
OKay Black friday has come and gone, December right here, no FCC leaks no nothing.. No news no nothing. Ill bet Verizon and HTC are trying to find a phone they can re name a Passion! Where di this rumor start anyway? anyone know?
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