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Root isaacj87

Just curious, I have not seen isaac and I cannot send him a private message. Just wanted to make sure he is ok. Well if you do get this isaac I just wanted to say whats up bro! Sorry if this post is overkill....Lol:D
He seems to have dropped off the grid. Maybe he went on vacation for the holiday. Hope everything is ok. I see that he has shutdown his twitter account as well.
Don't worry your post isn't overkill at all. People on this forum seem to have some habits of just dropping off the internet.

I was just looking around online and it seems asthough his last online activity on websites was Saturday, May 28. I'd like to think he's okay.

But yeah he shutdown the Twitter which is weird. He doesn't seem like the type of person who would stop coming around. But then I thought that of Jazziette and I haven't seen her for months.
im sure isaac just been busy and all, might be school also if he is enrolled, i know how that can be sometimes, but he will visit us when he gets things straighten out and all, never give up hope or assume the worst...:D
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