Yongzh has done it! A SNES EMULATOR!
First one to download and comment.
Im downloading the roms to test now. I will update this post shortly. Just wanted claim on the topic
Sound is meh, needs an update. im sure he will do this soon.
Chrono Trigger (works w/o sound. force closes w/)
FF2 (works great)
FF3 (works great, but kinda glitchy)
SMRPG (doesnt work ;
Earthbound (works great)
LoZ: LttP (works great, but almost impossible to make it past the first part. its raining and you cant see the ground. had to work from memory to get to the side of the castle, and still couldnt find the bush to lift up to enter the dungeon)
anyway this is all I had time to test since im at work. will test more later.
over all a great app. works better than Gensoid IMO. worth the 3$ just becuase I have the best RPGs ever on my phone - SMRPG ; ;