I was given a redundant (to a relative) Samsung which is, sadly, "powered by Android." I don't use it for the internet, for any apps or for soso-media (never having had a brain-ectomy). Although I have the internet turned off in settings, it still asks from time time if I want to allow s-planner or some other abomination. You might say, I can just say no. I do. However, if you go to a restaurant and order the filet mignon and they ask if you want a turd with that, you can just say no there too, but you have a right to consider if there are any other restaurants where they don't ask that. From time to time I see people ask about the possibiltiy of deleting either Android or some other OS. My impression there is that the unstated assumption is: with a view to installing an alternative OS. Can I just not have an OS? I only want to use this phone to make and receive calls and sms; no apps, no internet. If it isn't possible on an ex-Android phone, are there any known alternatives. My previous, a Nokia, did have the option of the internet - not availed of by me - but didn't, as far as I know, require an Apple or Android OS. I only had to discard it because they turned off 3G. Is there anything of at least 4G, but without requiring any predatory OS?