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Just bought (had to trade in huawei for) f6


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2011
Ok I've been reading around for all of the posts concerning the 3R's root and recovery and rom for the f6. It seems a little confusing to me in that the 3R's for this LG modelare not perfected yet??

Until I'm well versed on rooting(or the process has been smoothed out a little bit) I'll stick to some basic stuff and I have a few questions for other LG Optimus F6 owners!

1) Does your ext speaker sound like crap? I.E. raspy, distorted and hard to understand, unless you turn volume down to 50/60%! And even then I can barely hear it, even though it is clear!

2) I read all over about the lack of onboard mem/ram/intSD and how it is a real hindrance and draw back. Everyone says to remove bloatware which I guess will be a result of root/recovery/custom mod!

3) Do I still need PDANet to tether my cell to my laptop for internet? If so which version? The last newest version of PDANet that I tried on my huawei did not have the SMS option, so I reverted to and earlier version. I see a tether option in the F6's settings menu but I'm not sure if that is a wiser choice than PDANet

That will do it for now, until I dive into the root/recovery/rom mode!

thanks eto

P.S. How is the development of the 3R's for the F6 (12b)? . . . . and whats with kitkat?
1. Speaker is fine, depends on the quality of the source.
2. Space is not an issue anymore, since once rooted, you can use SD Card's memory. Removing of the bloatware is optional, since it won't get you much of extra space. Generally, you can remove most Google apps you don't need and also what came from the phone company. I use Titanium Backup for that.
3. Not sure which provider you have and what their rules on tethering, but with T-Mobile, PDAnet works fine. I rarely use it, so I couldn't tell you much more.

Rooting is very easy, search for Kingo Root and have it rooted in less than 5 minutes.
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XxhaimbondxX, I tried two or three different phone calls on spkr ph and they were very hard to understand. My provider, MetroPCS, is ordering me another one! Most of the comments I read about the lack of int memory said the apps using it,can't be moved to ext SD mem! I don't know I just got mine. and thanks for the tethering reply I think I'll stick with PDANet as well.
angablade, I dont think a phone call could/would be considered a distorted source, but maybe I have a defective F6. We'll see when the replacement arrives. SD card hack? is there a specific app? I've d/led towelroot haven't implemented it yet, I'll wait for replacement F6!

thanks for the replies guys cheese steak subs are on me at Jim's Steaks South St Phila!
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3. Not sure which provider you have and what their rules on tethering, but with T-Mobile, PDAnet works fine. I rarely use it, so I couldn't tell you much more.

Which version of PDANet are you using and alot of times I'm not near an internet connection for my laptop and tethering internet to my laptop is my only choice!

Rooting is very easy, search for Kingo Root and have it rooted in less than 5 minutes.

Search here or google it in general?

thanks again
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Gametheory and others I tried to load PDANet last night and when prompted to enable USB Debugging i could not.
Umder" Development" on the F6 settimgs menu. "Enable USB Debugging" is ligjt grey and connot be enabled or disabled!
What do i need to do to enable this option?

Thanks all for your replies and gsmetheory will go to link and study up!
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OK beings I'm going to xfer apps to EXT SD, I'm going to need a larger size EXT SD mem card. Is one brand of EXT SD better than others? SanDisk vs Unirex vs Abacus vs Adata?

And what is a SanDisk Ultra? 16gb SanDisk Ultra is $30.47 ebay yet a USSaller 64gb SD is $18.00!

How can that be and what does the class rating indicate? 64gb above is class10!

Seems as though SanDisk is the most expensive and I'm old enough to know cheaper is usually cheaper for a reason!

thanks eto

didn't mean to go off-topic mods
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The only brand I use for any type of memory (SSD, RAM, SD card) is Samsung since their memory is known to be most reliable due to them manufacturing everything in-house for best quality control.

The class is the read/write speed of the SD card. Class 10 is the fastest.

If someone asked me what brand I recommend, I'd say Samsung or Kingston. That's not to say that SanDisk isn't good, I'm sure they probably are. Out of the brands you mentioned I would pick SanDisk.

Here's all the micro SD's that SanDisk carries with some descriptions...

microSD Cards from SanDisk for Business and Consumer

i didn't see any samsung sd mem

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OK beings I'm going to xfer apps to EXT SD, I'm going to need a larger size EXT SD mem card. Is one brand of EXT SD better than others? SanDisk vs Unirex vs Abacus vs Adata?

And what is a SanDisk Ultra? 16gb SanDisk Ultra is $30.47 ebay yet a USSaller 64gb SD is $18.00!

How can that be and what does the class rating indicate? 64gb above is class10!

Seems as though SanDisk is the most expensive and I'm old enough to know cheaper is usually cheaper for a reason!

thanks eto

didn't mean to go off-topic mods

I've read that sandisks can be unreliable though...I've had 2 32gbs class 10 sandisks and they both messed up on me after filling them with over 2gbs of photos....was really dumb to loose all those photos...twice!!

So I went with a cheaper brand...I mean they're not as fast for read/write speeds, but it has never failed on me! Had it for over 3 years now
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thanks for replies gametheory and yes unplug the cable and usb debugging becomes available,, duh!

and xt51 it is strange how that happens sometimes cheaper sometimes does work better i didn't see any samsung sd mem for my f6 though nor did i see any pny!

next task rooting and dumping all that google crap i don't want or need

thanks again ALL who have replied
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thanks for replies gametheory and yes unplug the cable and usb debugging becomes available,, duh!

and xt51 it is strange how that happens sometimes cheaper sometimes does work better i didn't see any samsung sd mem for my f6 though nor did i see any pny!

next task rooting and dumping all that google crap i don't want or need

thanks again ALL who have replied

Don't forget to flash gametheorys freedom kernal before trying to remove any google stuff...don't want you to soft brick
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