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Just bought Note 10.1 2014 . . .


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
and have a few questions about it.

1. Do any of you use a screen protector. I have had them on all my smartphones because any cases I have had do not cover the screen. I plan on getting the MoKo SlimFit Case for it. With this case the screen should be protected when I have the tab in my bag. Should I get a screen protector and if so what do you recommend

2. Web Browsers. I have the stock "Internet" and "Chrome" on it. Use Firefox on my laptops. What browser would you recommend. I do plan on putting Adobe Flash on it and I do know that there is a recommended browser to work with that.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.
1. I have a screen protector and am glad. Many said don't bother, but I said why not. They are cheap, easy to put on, and gives you some piece of mind.

2. The most used one in my inventory is Boat. I also use Puffin (free version) as that has Flash built in. I use Boat 95% of the time. Tried the rest: Opera, FF, Chrome, etc. and ended up deleting it.
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1. I have a screen protector and am glad. Many said don't bother, but I said why not. They are cheap, easy to put on, and gives you some piece of mind.

2. The most used one in my inventory is Boat. I also use Puffin (free version) as that has Flash built in. I use Boat 95% of the time. Tried the rest: Opera, FF, Chrome, etc. and ended up deleting it.

I have been told that Flash no longer works on 4.4.2 however I am unable to confirm this.
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1. I have a screen protector and am glad. Many said don't bother, but I said why not. They are cheap, easy to put on, and gives you some piece of mind.

2. The most used one in my inventory is Boat. I also use Puffin (free version) as that has Flash built in. I use Boat 95% of the time. Tried the rest: Opera, FF, Chrome, etc. and ended up deleting it.

Tried Puffin Free. Had to pay to get some sort of add on for Flash to work. Gave them a couple bucks for it and found that it did not work. Seems that a video would load but all that played was a blank screen. Did you have any problems like that?
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Screen protectors are evil.

I never use them for several reasons. They look awful - it's next to impossible to get them on without bubbles or dust under them on a phone and actually impossible to do, it on a tablet. They feel horrible - the glass ones may be OK but the plastic ones are horrible to the touch. They serve very little purpose as modern screens are hard and don't scratch easily and screen protectors won't prevent a cracked screen.

I haven't used a screen protector on any of my smartphones (and I've had a few) and I have never got even a tiny scratch on any of them.
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It works in FireFox if you download and install the old Flash for Android directly from Adobe. Go to Adobe - Install a different version of Adobe Flash Player. Where it says "click here for older versions of Adobe Flash Player" do so (or you could just click on this link) and pick the newest version for Android.

It doesn't work with all sites but it does with most.

I wish web sites would just ditch Flash altogether though. I hate it with a passion and I always have.
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Screen protectors are for peace of mind and depending on the type you get I think its worth it. I have one on my 10.1 2014 and on my note 3. Its a relatively cheap protection and goes a long way when you want to sell your device in the future because the screen is in perfect condition. Just my opinion.

I agree with you on this! screen protectors are replaceable and you can get them anywhere. :)))))
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