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Help Keep losing mobile network


Today I have noticed that almost every text I try to send fails. And my phone tells me that I'm not connected to a mobile network. It seems to be connecting/disconnecting while I'm at home and at times in the same spot for awhile. Just wondering if anyone knows what the issue might be.
Some points to consider:
  • Are you well inside the coverage area?
  • Do you live in an apartment building?
  • Are others in the area with the same coverage having the same problem?
I'm not sure if I'm well within the coverage area. I do live in an apartment building but have no idea what anyone else has. I do know that when I had Verizon I never had an issue. I've only had Virgin for a week and this issue just started last night. I called them and they said I need to turn off my wifi...I did but it's still in and out of service. I'm already thinking of switching to another carrier.
Actually after sending that last message, I did check the VM coverage. My address shows "3G" coverage, and the area around me shows "Fair" coverage. I guess that could explain what's happening, although it's still weird that it didn't start until yesterday evening.
My best friend's apartment building interferes with the signal on his phone (Galaxy Reverb) but not my Victory. its peculiar. But the whole area IS in a valley, which messes everything up.
I was on the phone today with tech support, and she had me update the profile. While it was updating the PRL it stopped and said that it was unable to continue at this time...still not sure what's wrong. I may switch to Straight Talk, I'm tired of my signal at home being so unpredictable. Its fine one minute and gone the next.
What are the peak hours? Some days my signal works great. Other days, during the same exact hours, it's crap. But only when I'm home, which sucks. Still thinking of going to Straight Talk when I get paid.
Peak hours are just when everyone is using network at once. Probably the time your data is running bad. Mine has been crappy on weekends too. What network does straight talk use?
I am having this issue as well. Just started this morning. The signal is 4-5 bars of 4G and then randomly goes to nothing. then comes back. Really annoying. Tried updating the PRL, Profile and firmware. The other wierd thing that is happening is that my notification bar alarm and vibrate mode icon keep disappearing and reappearing as well.
I'm not sure where you guys are, but I'm in B'ham Alabama. I can tell you that I have had the same problems where I live. At work I'm fine. But at home, only 1 bar or no service at all. This has been going on for 5 days now. Virgin Mobile says there is a critical failure in my area. All I know is that they better get it working pretty fast. It's my only phone. Coudn't even order Pizza Monday night. Had to drive up the road.
Been dropping service again today, I switched 4g off on one phone. I think it was switching back and forth from 3 to 4g and would just stop. Quick reboot and all is well. The one's I left 4g on are having issues still, the network just drops.
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