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Keep politicians hands off the election process

Still don't follow Republicans make it difficult to vote on a local level and it's bad. Identical law at a national level is good. But whatever.

Anyway, as I said earlier, voting is very much a local thing, not a national thing at all. We vote on one national office and that's once every four years. Even then we're actually voting for electors, not the actual President. Every other election every other year is purely local.
Still don't follow Republicans make it difficult to vote on a local level and it's bad. Identical law at a national level is good. But whatever.

Anyway, as I said earlier, voting is very much a local thing, not a national thing at all. We vote on one national office and that's once every four years. Even then we're actually voting for electors, not the actual President. Every other election every other year is purely local.
I think the point is, it's a waste of time either way, but if they're going to do it anyway, it should be the same for everybody and be free instead of a patchwork of different laws where it would be easier to sneak voter suppression by people if it's not in their backyard. ALL of the voter ID laws have zero to do with fraud anyway, and everyone knows it if they would just be honest with themselves.
Still don't follow Republicans make it difficult to vote on a local level and it's bad. Identical law at a national level is good. But whatever.

Anyway, as I said earlier, voting is very much a local thing, not a national thing at all. We vote on one national office and that's once every four years. Even then we're actually voting for electors, not the actual President. Every other election every other year is purely local.

Because it's not identical. ALEX controls the Kansas government.

As you have admitted, the people of Kansas are controlled by the insane, i.e. Koch mafia therefore, as a people, we must exterminate this infestation.:shakehands:
I think the point is, it's a waste of time either way, but if they're going to do it anyway, it should be the same for everybody and be free instead of a patchwork of different laws where it would be easier to sneak voter suppression by people if it's not in their backyard. ALL of the voter ID laws have zero to do with fraud anyway, and everyone knows it if they would just be honest with themselves.

That's a fair enough criticism, but it's not going to be free on a national level. Presumably you'll still need a birth certificate, social security card, etc.... to get an id. There are admin costs to getting those documents.
Reading comprehension difficulties ?


"providing all voters a national voter card free of charge (including charges for secondary documents needed to verify identity)"

I saw that, but didn't think you could seriously ask for something so ridiculous. You might as well ask for unicorns crapping rainbows and peeing pixie dust while you're at it. It costs money/manpower to store those records and it costs money/manpower to retrieve them. It's not unreasonable at all to charge a fee for those services.
Requiring voter ID beyond what is required for registration is ridiculous. Poll tax is unreasonable and illegal. You ever heard of imaging, digital storage ? How about the internet ? I hear there are jobs associated with this thing called the internet.

Do you want me to put you in contact with someone who knows something about moving data from point A to B ?
Requiring voter ID beyond what is required for registration is ridiculous. Poll tax is unreasonable and illegal. You ever heard of imaging, digital storage ? How about the internet ? I hear there are jobs associated with this thing called the internet.

Do you want me to put you in contact with someone who knows something about moving data from point A to B ?

You know a way to digitize a bunch of paper records at no cost and with no cost to maintain them and they can be retrieved at no cost as well? What are you doing here? You could be a bajillionaire by now.
A lot less expensive than maintaining paper records. Economies of scale would dictate the government would be the most efficient provider.
Providing cheap natural gas for one.

Renewable Energy Must Look to Natural Gas for Guidance

Natural gas is just the latest in a long history of the government supporting and investing in breakthrough technologies. Sustained federal government support since the 1970s has proven essential to the industry being able to tap into shale gas with new drilling techniques and technologies. The Breakthrough Institute, a non-partisan think tank, released a study on this very subject last year detailing how decades of government investments in R&D, tax credits, and public-private partnerships made today
I'm against "fracking" and tax credits for drillers. What happened to the precious "private sector" the Republicans are always going on and on about? Seems like these big businesses are never too proud to come out of the woodwork with their hands out for corporate welfare, then they turn around and spend millions on political campaigns. The same people raise holy hell if the government spends money trying to develop clean energy.
Tax subsidies tied to political "contributions" is what the American political system is all about. I just wish our political prostitutes weren't such cheap coin baggers, but then again, that's what we all have become, so I guess they just reflect their constituents.
Tax subsidies tied to political "contributions" is what the American political system is all about. I just wish our political prostitutes weren't such cheap coin baggers, but then again, that's what we all have become, so I guess they just reflect their constituents.
Reminds me of that old saying from the early computer days: Garbage In-Garbage Out.
I'm against "fracking" and tax credits for drillers. What happened to the precious "private sector" the Republicans are always going on and on about? Seems like these big businesses are never too proud to come out of the woodwork with their hands out for corporate welfare, then they turn around and spend millions on political campaigns. The same people raise holy hell if the government spends money trying to develop clean energy.

Just happened to come across an article that supports your position. Just a snippet on how their objectives are achieved.

CMD Special Report: ALEC's (Corporate) Love Affair with Fracking | PR Watch

"Through ALEC, corporate lobbyists have an equal vote with state legislators on ALEC "model" bills, that are pushed in states across the nation. Often the bills were drafted by the corporate lobbyists before being approved by ALEC "task forces." ALEC's legislative agenda includes efforts to bar taxes on windfall profits of energy companies and numerous bills that would make it harder to regulate carbon or address global climate changes, as well as bills that would make it harder to hold these and other companies accountable when Americans are killed or injured as a result of a corporation's product or practices in regulated industries."
Just happened to come across an article that supports your position. Just a snippet on how their objectives are achieved.

CMD Special Report: ALEC's (Corporate) Love Affair with Fracking | PR Watch

"Through ALEC, corporate lobbyists have an equal vote with state legislators on ALEC "model" bills, that are pushed in states across the nation. Often the bills were drafted by the corporate lobbyists before being approved by ALEC "task forces." ALEC's legislative agenda includes efforts to bar taxes on windfall profits of energy companies and numerous bills that would make it harder to regulate carbon or address global climate changes, as well as bills that would make it harder to hold these and other companies accountable when Americans are killed or injured as a result of a corporation's product or practices in regulated industries."
Lobbying in this country is totally out of hand. What a cesspool of blatant corruption.:mad:
I don't like the idea of the government having a database of everyones fingerprints.

Your prints will perhaps be stored at our brand new NSA data center right here in Utah. I'll watch out and make sure your prints are safe.:D

Why is it we will run scared if the government asks us for private info yet we will freely give it out to CC companies or Toaster registration forms? My guess is we want a well protected toaster and we want to be able to spend money we cannot afford to spend, so whatever principals we pretend to have are set aside so we can get what we want.

Seems to me if we are being fair, we would never agree to give Visa our SSN, date of birth, employment info and the like. But we give up our privacy just to get that next CC and a little more long term debt.
Your prints will perhaps be stored at our brand new NSA data center right here in Utah. I'll watch out and make sure your prints are safe.:D

Why is it we will run scared if the government asks us for private info yet we will freely give it out to CC companies or Toaster registration forms? My guess is we want a well protected toaster and we want to be able to spend money we cannot afford to spend, so whatever principals we pretend to have are set aside so we can get what we want.

Seems to me if we are being fair, we would never agree to give Visa our SSN, date of birth, employment info and the like. But we give up our privacy just to get that next CC and a little more long term debt.

We trust companies far more than we trust governments. Companies at least have some motivation to keep our data safe. If they leak it/lose it there are economic consequences and they could end up out of business. Not so much with the feds.
Lobbying in this country is totally out of hand. What a cesspool of blatant corruption.:mad:

A favorite old boss use to say: "do not come to me with a problem unless you also have a solution." So let me ask you, how would you change things? We cannot get rid of them and we should not get rid of them all.

Consider: the ARRL has lobbyists and they help our hobby which in turn helps all of us. Among other things, they (try to) protect our band assignments so they are not allocated to other things. Amateurs do more good with the frequencies than HBO or some cell company.

Many lobbyists do good works but their efforts are not often reported. Not like the big oil or tobacco company lobbyists that are always evil and always perverting the system and always bashed in the press.

So how would you change the system to eliminate the "bad" lobbyists and keep the good ones? Perhaps you should not even try because you will run up against the lobbyists hired by lobbyists to protect lobbyists.

One problem is lobbying is constitutionally protected. Any activity protected by the constitution is very hard to eliminate. A very good thing indeed.

Because they have so much power, you had better have their permission before you try to make substantial changes in the system because they can likely stop you before you begin.
We trust companies far more than we trust governments. Companies at least have some motivation to keep our data safe. If they leak it/lose it there are economic consequences and they could end up out of business. Not so much with the feds.

Oh come on. The federal government has a responsibility to the people, unlike private companies.
We trust companies far more than we trust governments. Companies at least have some motivation to keep our data safe. If they leak it/lose it there are economic consequences and they could end up out of business. Not so much with the feds.

Companies only motive is to extract as much wealth as possible from your data. If they misuse it and get caught, oh well, the worst that can happen is they just change the name on the storefront and continue on. If government officials get caught, much more publicity, hearings and possible jail time.
... So how would you change the system to eliminate the "bad" lobbyists and keep the good ones? Perhaps you should not even try because you will run up against the lobbyists hired by lobbyists to protect lobbyists. ...

The solution is already in place, one must be a registered lobbyist, it's just ALEC members have floated that law and now it's time to pay the piper.

System is not perfect, but just because all white collar criminals are not caught should we not try to catch them ?
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